Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Being Friendless Taught Me How To Be Friends

"Don't flatter yourself that friendship authorizes you to say disagreeable things to your intimates. The nearer you come into relation with a person, the more necessary tact and courtesy become. Except in cases of necessity, which are rare, leave your friend to learn unpleasant things from his enemies; they are ready enough to tell them."
Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809 – 1894)

I lost a good friend or someone I thought was a good friend. She decided to dump a bunch of built up aggression on me again. I did not deserve it and now realized she was not such a good friend after all. I would never hesitate to do anything for my friends. This person in particular would get my attention and I would drop anything I was doing to be there no matter what. But she continued to choose to take all of her anger and frustration out on me because “She knew I would take it and still love her anyway” or so she says. Well, after the third time of unloading every bit of anger and saying some pretty hurtful things I have decided to step away and move on to better friends who are uplifting and see the inherent good nature in me. I know I have faults and am not perfect and I have still lots of life to experience and grow with, but nobody deserves to be treated so harshly as friends, leave that for my enemies.
In the meantime I have made friends with a wonderful person and I am so thankful to have once again a person who I feel so free talking to. Someone I can talk for hours on end and not feel like I am running out of things to discuss…or just sit on the phone with in silence and not have that uncomfortable feeling. I am glad our paths have crossed. You have been such a wonderful addition in life. Your perspective is truly enlightening and I, like you, have been stretched to see things differently.

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