Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Are you Ready, Willing, and Able?

A minute’s success pays the failure of years
Robert Browning

Are you Ready, Willing, and Able?That is the ultimate question. Most people have heard this cliché sometime in their life. If you break it down to its most basic form of the three sections you may come to this conclusion too. But be sure to be the judge of yourself, not by what most others do.
Are you Ready? When people are asked if they are ready for more money, more free time, more love, more relationships, more friends, less weight, more weight, more anything, everyone will emphatically state they ARE ready. And I believe with everything in my heart that people are ready for more.
Skip the second part; we will talk about that in a second. Are you Able? Yes! You always have the ability to do just a little bit more. Even just a little teeny bit. But what most don’t understand is just how dramatic of an effect a little effort could make over a long period of time. I use for example the idea of a bullet shot from a gun. If you the shooter are aiming at a target 5 feet in front of you and you move the barrel just one inch to the left, you will more than likely still hit your target. But, if you are aiming at a target over 500 yards away and you move the barrel one inch again, you will miss the target by a long distance. So the image I am trying to portray is that small efforts no matter how big will have a dramatic effect in the long term. What more can you do? Can you spend 5 minutes a night reading a book that will develop you as a person? Will you spend 5 minutes reading the bible per day? Will you talk to your children and love them for 5 minutes before bed? Will you walk up and down the block a couple of times for exercise? Will you do the little things that add up over time? Will you tell your wife you cherish and love her wholeheartedly before bed every night? The little things make the difference. Can you do more? Even just a little more? Absolutely!The problem is in the second part.
Are you Willing?Most are not willing, because we come up with endless excuses of why we are too tired, frustrated, broke, annoyed, aggravated, lazy, busy, bored, hungry, whiny, weak, stupid, ignorant, I came from a broke family, my mother never did that for me, he wont let me do that, or the thousands of excuses we conjure up when the devil is testing us to rely on the infinite strength of our God. You see, people think the world is made up of have and have-not’s, but in fact it is made up of will and will-not’s. You see how simple it is? It is not that we do not want more, it is that we will not do what it takes to have more. Well I hear already, “That doesn’t sound fair.” Of course it does. It is perfectly fair. Your life is the way it is because you are not willing to do what it takes to make it different. Sadly, you can want to be rich and become poorer, lose weight and become fatter or so on…but want only matters if you want it enough to be willing to do what it takes to achieve the desired result. Are you willing to do the little or huge things that determine the outlook and outcome of your once in a lifetime life? You have all the necessary means available.

My Pastor, Rick Godwin always asks us, When you die, and answer to God, do you want him to say "Job well done good and faithful servant?" or, "Well, you're done."” It is your decision.