Saturday, June 02, 2007

I Spy A Happy World

“Be Around The Change You Want To See In The World.”
-Kathy Sierra

Or the original version

"Be the Change That You Want To See In The World."

It seems strange sometimes where you find advice and inspiration. I find myself stopping a lot more and really appreciating nature. Rumi said “The morning breeze has secrets to tell you.” Well, the breeze has been blowing here lately and I notice myself doing a lot of searching for those secrets in nature’s hidden mysteries. Everyone internally has a desire to be happy. To return to source is in essence true love and happiness. Even miserable people envy those happy people and shudder with disgust, jealousy and anger.
When I was a depressed boy, I asked myself what it took to be happy. I found that happiness in purpose personally. Yes I fully believe it takes Jesus, well that is what it took for me, but that alone was not enough because until I took Jesus’ purpose in my life only then did I decide to pursue my happiness with Him. You will often find many theories on the truth of happiness. And, each for somewhat are factual and help in their own ways. As I mentioned though, you need to find inspiration in everything and every word. It is there if you perceive it to be. Don’t expect others advice though to be the mold for perfection in happiness for your life. The best advice I hear in happiness often has nothing to do with happiness. I was reading my now new favorite blog to read and in the blog she wrote entitled Angry/negative people can be bad for your brain

where she reminded us of the flight attendants statement, “That You Must Put On Your Own Oxygen Mask First.”
What a profound statement. So find inspiration in all things because unlike what you may believe, I believe God created everything therefore we are all connected to everything…goes back to the apple pie theory, so you can find inspiration in everything. But, if you find yourself in a place that is not inspiring to you, leave. What is the point of being in a place you find no inspiration?

Every Careless Word

"But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give you account of it in the Day of Judgment."

Matthew 12:36

Jesus spoke plainly about our idle words, yet His warning often goes ignored and unheeded. Jesus said that for idle word there will be a time of accounting in the Day of Judgment. We would expect Jesus to condemn profane and vile uses of the tongue, but idle words? Idle words are things we say carelessly without concern for their impact on others. We too quickly assume that the sins of our tongue are minor sins, sins that God will overlook Yet Jesus was fully aware of the devastating nature of our words, for the idle words that come from our mouths give a lucid picture of the condition of our heart (Matt 15:17-20).
The Book of Proverbs encourages us to speak less rather than risk saying something offensive (Prov. 17:28). Often when we have nothing significant to say we are tempted to speak injurious, idle words. The more time we spend in idle chatter, the greater the likelihood that we will say things that are harmful. James cautioned believers to be "swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath" (James 1:19) we are in much less danger to saying something offensive when we are listening than when we are speaking.
Think carefully about the words that come from your mouth. Christians should only use words that uplift and bring peace to others (Eph 4:29). Do you need to speak less? Do you need to be more careful about the kind of humor you use? Ask the Holy Spirit to help you evaluate your words build up others or whether they destroy and hurt others.