Sunday, February 01, 2009

Childlike Faith

Matthew 18:1
About that time the disciples came to Jesus, and asked Him. Which of us is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?

Aren’t these nice boys? I always feel good when you really read the bible in a non-prejudicial way. These guys are as common as dirt. Now Jesus is divine, but these guys are just like you and me. They need a lot of work.

"Who of us is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven? And Jesus called a small child out over to Him and put the child among them and then He said, “That I assure you unless you turn from your sin and become like little children you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.”

A Buddhist monk who taught a Chinese Philosophy course at the University of Pennsylvania once said, “You Christians teach your children to pray wrong. You teach them to pray, if I should die before I wake. It would be much better if you taught them to pray, if I should wake before I die.” What a great thought. There are a lot of people 45 years old still asleep. Their heart is pumping blood but they are not awake. The monk went on to point out most of the people who he knew were half awake when they should be asleep, but even worse when they were asleep they were half awake. No body seems to be totally alive. Nobody seems to be turned on by what was going on around them in life.
How long have you lived? I don’t mean how long have your lungs been taking in air, but seriously lived? There are some folks that may say you’ve lived an hour. Maybe 5 minutes and for some they haven’t lived at all. For most people life is the meaningless passage of time between all too few moments when they are genuinely alive. Now that’s a sad commentary because most of us don’t live life like we should. We let it slip away from us. We don’t mean to, but our attitude is procrastination. "You know some day I am gonna get it committed." Someday I am gonna sharpen up, or lose weight or be a better father…and you never live today. In James he says,
"Life is like a vapor, and whooooph it’s gone" leaving you to wonder what happened. All of us need to ask ourselves whether or not we lived life. And the only people I see living life with any kind of joyful spontaneity and passion are little children. That’s why Jesus said unless you become like a little child you will in no way enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus is focusing on the characteristics of a child. You know their intensity. They cry with agony like you are gonna kill ‘em. They also laugh and scream with joy and delight too. Kids re not intimidated by anything; they are turned on to what life is all about. So Jesus said unless you change to become like little children you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. In other words, unless you can approach life with their kind of passion and enthusiasm you can’t be a part of what I am about.
What was it Jesus saw in children he wants us to know? Let me give you 3 things.
1.Children have no doubts about their real importance, their self worth or value.
I think Jesus saw kids who had no doubt about their self esteem. And people who are worried all the time about their self image, their self worth or value usually go through life being overly concerned with themselves. Self conscious, self centered, selfish and all the other S words you can think of.
One day during a thunder storm lightning was flashing; thunder was roaring and this father went to check on his 5 year daughter in the house. He found his little girl standing on the window seal leaning spread eagle with her face planted against the glass. The daddy said, “What are you doing?!” she replied, “Daddy, I think God’s trying to my picture!”
Here’s a little girl who knows who she is and she knows her value and she knows her worth. If you are gonna live life fully, I don’t care who you are, you’ve got to feel pretty good about yourself. I’m not talking about cocky pretentiousness. But I am talking about a feeling of self-esteem . Jesus said, “Love others as you love yourself.” For some people that I know I hope they don’t love anybody because they are dangerous. They hate themselves. They don’t like themselves. Unfortunately most people are down on themselves. That’s one of the reasons Jesus came. He came into the world to do something that would enable you and me to feel differently about ourselves. Most people can name everything in their lives that’s wrong. They beat themselves up and say there is so much wrong with me. Well of course there is a lot wrong with you and a lot wrong with me too. But here is the good news of the Gospel; Jesus came into the world not only to die for our sin, but to absorb everything that is dirty and ugly and negative about us and to free us from it. Jesus does not only cleanse you from the dark side of your nature and character and personality but also removes those things that ought not to be there. He will impute to you His own righteousness so that you are the righteousness of God. Now you think about that for a minute. The average believers do not think of themselves as the righteousness of God. But wow, that is a heavy thought. You know when I get to Heaven I am gonna tell the angels to get outta my way. Scripture says they are only messengers for us. “Ariel, you over there, go get me one of those hamburgers from Chesters loaded all the way with barbeque sauce”…wow those hickory burgers are good. And I am going to go before the seat of Christ and I am gonna look at God and just stand there. I’m not going to say one word and I won’t have to because Jesus will be seated at the right hand of the Father and He’ll say, “Father, I want you to meet my friend Ian, the perfect one.” And I sure hope all my friends are there to hear that. Especially Amanda, who does not think I am perfect...little does she know. You say how can you say such a thing? Because the Bible says,
"If you are a believer in Christ your sins have been blotted out. They are buried in the deepest sea as far as the east is from the west I will remember them no more." Jesus said “He will present you faultless before His Father, spotless and without blemish.” So everything you don’t like about yourself, get rid of it. I quote the man again, "Let me take it on myself and make it my own. He who knew sin became sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in Christ." He became what you are so you can become who He is. In the old covenant, I mean the old Hebrew men covenant, they would cut an animal in two, symbolic of Jesus shedding His blood for us. They did not shed their blood, but the blood of an innocent animal. They would also exchange coats or garments. That garment symbolized who you were. Your character, your nature, your personality. And you would say I am giving me to you. You would give me your coat and I would be saying I am giving who I am to you. So Jesus gives us what scripture says is a “robe of righteousness”. He takes my sin, everything negative about me, He who knew no sin becomes sin so I can become who He is. That’s a legal transaction by simple childlike faith. That means when the Father sees me, He doesn’t see me like you do with all my flaws. That’s good! That’s really good!!! I have to be aware of that and you have to be aware of that or it is easy for the enemy to trap you into guilt, shame, and condemnation. So everybody can name everything wrong. But you need to listen what Jesus will make right about you. God wants to give you His own nature. You go see a psychotherapist because you feel horrible. All you end up doing is dumping all your crap on to them. You leave feeling good but now they feel horrible. Jesus is the ultimate counselor. That is what He was called in the book of Isaiah, counselor. The ultimate psychotherapist takes on Himself everything that is negative, shameful, condemning and ugly about you and makes it His own. That means you can live life like a child with passion, intensely, and with great excitement without all the crap.
2. Children have a quality of spontaneous joy.
Let’s put it this way all you Christian readers I have. KIDS ARE FUN! THEY LOVE LIFE AND ARE FUN TO BE WITH! Am I fun to be with?! What a great question to ask yourself today. Jesus did not screw you up. He did not make you unhappy; give you a bad haircut and a lousy marriage. You did that. He did not do it. Heck, I was fun to be with on my way to hell. Jesus did not mess that up. I’m still fun to be with. Every time I take a new person to church with me to Summit Christian Center, I usually get this comment. “Wow, I had fun at church, I did not know church could be like that.” And I always think, well, it was doing great when Jesus started it but we have kinda screwed the whole thing up and now its about how miserable you can look and unhappy you can be and how many things you cant do. No dancing? Are you serious? Now isn’t that a turn on. Maybe I would rather be a suicide bomber too if I had to live that way. But that’s not the way Jesus came to give us life, abundant, effervescent flowing life. So kids have spontaneous joy.
A daddy took his young son to Disney World. As they were leaving the park the young son said, “Daddy I want another ride on Space Mountain.” The dad a little bit frustrated says, “Now look son, Im outta money and we are outta time.” The boy replied, “But Jesus wants me to go.” The daddy said, “What do you mean by that?” The little boy said, “Well a pastor in church said whatever we feel Jesus feels. He is touched with our emotion. When we cry, He cries. The pastor said Jesus feels every emotion we feel.” And daddy said, “Well, theologically that’s right but so what.” And the little boy said, “Well daddy, if He feels every emotion I have, then when I am laughing on Space Mountain He is having a good time too. So I think He would enjoy it if I had another ride on Space Mountain.” Not bad theology. True story. I got to witness the conversation a year ago. I kind of feel like that myself. We have a God who wants us to be freed from the burdens that keep us from enjoying life and living it passionately and intensely. He wants to fill us with an excitement and a childlike joy that enables us to live life with incredible spontaneous enthusiasm and joy. Question. Do you have that in your life? That’s what Christianity is about. It’s not mainly about Heaven. Heaven is for dead Christians. Now a few of you could qualify but most of us are still alive. I don’t want to go anytime soon. It’s just getting good. I love everyday of life and when 4 friends have suddenly died in the last few months you realize how short it really is. But I think about kids celebrating that kind of a life as well. God wants me to enjoy it. And I want to enjoy it. God wants you to enjoy it and have some fun and have a good time. Do you have that in your life? Jesus came to invade you in your life here; you don’t need it in Heaven. He wanted to create in you an excitement about life. That’s why you need to surrender that life to God. Not to make you miserable but to really kick you into gear to live with self worth and esteem, joy and celebration whether you are looking at a sunset on Hawaii or you are standing victoriously on Yosemite Falls. There is so much to be alive about and yet Christians seem to be the unhappiest people you have ever met. Go rent a jet ski or rent a Harley and go ride up in the Hill Country for a day. You say, “Well I might get hurt.” Well you better get hurt, it might get some excitement out of you. You can tell everybody when you come back wounded, “Well Billy, I fell off my Harley ridin’.” It would be great! Seriously though, have some fun. Have a little bit of stimulation in your life.
Dr. G.K. Chester wrote, “I think God is the only child left in the universe. All the rest of us have grown old and cynical because of sin.” What a great line. You throw a kid up in the air and bounce him off your knee and you know exactly what that child is gonna say. “Do it again!!! Do it again!!!” And you do it again, and they say, “Do it again!” And if you do it 50 times on the fiftieth time that kid is yelling hysterically, “DO IT AGAIN!” That’s the excitement of a little child. How did God create daisies? Just like a child. He created one daisy and the Bible says “Creation claps and shouted to do it again!” So He created daisy number 3 and daisy number 4 and fifty billion trillion daisies later the great God of the universe is still creating with childlike excitement while creation shouts and claps and says “DO IT AGAIN GOD! Do it again” Can some of you remember when you were a kid and full of life and dynamic and actually fun to be with? Now your life has grown dull and slow and boring? No wonder Jesus said, “Do you like this boring color? Do not adjust your television.” Ok, he did not say that. But that is why Jesus said look guys, why don’t you come to me. Why don’t you let me give you a new birth? A spiritual birth. Why don’t you become like a little child once again? Surrender to me, let me in your life. I am the resurrection and the life. I will take possession of you. I will change you, I will free you from guilt and shame at the same time give you a sense of dignity. Then you will be free from all that burden of negativism. I will fill you with my joy in life and excitement and love. You will know joy like you’ve never known it before. That is why the Gospel is called Good News…helloooooo….
3. They have confidence in the future.
I think there is a 3rd like quality that comes to everybody who is fully alive in the Lord and it’s absolute confidence in the future. All young children whether they are born in a ghetto by a wealthy single parent or live in an orphanage have this in common. That is until they are tampered with or until society beats them down through racism, prejudice and bigotry will respond positively to the question when you ask, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” No child will say I want to be in jail at 21 for pushing drugs and have 3 kids, unmarried and on welfare at 28!!! Nobody says that because that is not their dream. They say I want to be a doctor, a fireman, an astronaut or a policeman, a teacher. I want to be a pro NBA basketball player. The dreams are always noble and good and it is always a greater place than where that little child is for the moment. They see a great future until we beat it out of them with our own negativism and the ugly realism begins to set in as they get older. The Lamborghini posters come off of the wall to only be replaced by a more “realistic” Honda.
Watch this clip from “Dangerous Minds”.

Ok, so how difficult is going to be for those 2 promising boys to break out of that cultural barrier? The parents don’t believe, momma doesn’t believe, the culture is pretty much against them. There is just a tiny ray of hope that’s faced every single day.
Watch this next trailer from the movie October Sky. It is based in the West Virginia hills. The only escape from the mines was a football scholarship to a university. Beyond that not one person could see a better future than a job in the mine. This boy wanted to build rockets and go into space. Try and see the problem he has to overcome.

I could not find the clip I was hoping for but I did find a website that had the script of the scene where his dad discouraged him and his “hobby”…and if you want you can read it here.
Basically his father wanted him to grow up and be like him in the mine and take his position. His daddy was too negative to see what his son was capable of. That young man by the way went on to get a scholarship to the university off of his rocket science project and as a result got into NASA and helped design and launch the first space shuttle. True Story. You can watch him talk about it here.

Thank God he was not discouraged enough to quit. He had a huge dream but his daddy could not see past the coal mine. Where would America be? Would God have intervened anyway? I am not God, but these are just things to ponder if you believe in destiny and purpose.
So what’s your dream? If you have never done it, it is difficult for you to imagine something better. The only way God can pull you out of the position you are in is to give you a dream of something better. And don’t EVER step on the dreams of your children even if they frighten you. Even if you can’t see how you will pay for it, “We don’t have the money” or will she be getting out of the military to pursue her singing career, “you have a better chance of getting a record deal in the AF Band, will you have health insurance" or…blah blah blah. Don’t worry about that part of the dream. If what they want to pursue is noble and honorable and legal, you encourage the child to dream big and to go for it! Because most of these children just give up early because daddy or momma or the culture or racism puts them down and they say yea, what is the use? They give in and the world isn’t a better place but it could have been had they listened to the dream inside.
Joseph wanted a better life than his brothers. His own dad did not believe in him. “Here comes the dreamer” is what they said about him. His brothers kidnapped him and wanted to kill him. Then they sold him into Egyptian slavery. He became a prisoner through false accusation. But the dream stayed alive in his heart until what God promised came true 17 years later. The dream. I am telling you if your parents never graduated from school, if they never owned a home, if they never owned a business, if they never went to higher education or could hold a job you can be the first one. Some of you are saying, “Well, I could never see myself in that position.” Then you probably won’t achieve that position. It is a vision, a dream that lets you see what your current reality isn’t. Genesis 13: Old man, I’m gonna make you father of many nations and I know I don’t have a whole lotta time to do it cause youre already 94. God says look north, look south, look east, look west. Genesis 13 folks. All the land you see, I will give it to you. Meaning if you can’t see it, you can’t have it. So what can you see? Can you see a better marriage, a better future, a better lifestyle or see yourself escaping from the bondage and addiction of drugs. Like that boy said, “Coal mining’s your life, it’s not mine. I am not against ya dad but it’s not my life. I want something bigger, I want something more challenging, and I want something better.” I would rather die and fail for something better than to just sit back and live complacent with what is. So the way God lifts you and changes the future in your life and makes life better for everybody is through a dream. And the good news of the Gospel is we have a Jesus who creates dreams and visions for us and who will empower us to fulfill them, no matter what the obstacles are. To paraphrase a proverb, when the young no longer dream dreams and the old no longer have visions, people perish. Children believe they can do something incredible. Children don’t think they are limited. Children believe they can become anything until parents beat it out of them or culture does. And I want to say Jesus can impart spontaneous joy, self worth and esteem and glorious visions of a future to children. Well He can impart to you too. And He can impart it to me. It doesn’t matter if you are young or old. God says just because you are old person doesn’t give you a right to drool and become grouchy, not to mention being judgmental to everybody else. God says I am going to give old men dreams and young men visions. So you should never stop seeing bigger and better things for the future just because you get old. It gets you out of bed and pushes when you don’t want to be pushed. Children have that. You can tell you are old when the memories of the past are more prevalent than your visions of the future. You’re like an old rock-n-roll singer who had a one hit special and now you’re singing in a Holiday Inn Bar on Tampa Bay’s Beach making $300 playing your 20 year old hit. That’s no life and that’s no future. I want to tell you about a God who gave Abraham a vision at 94. And you are never too old or too young to surrender to a God who will not only make you believe in yourself but believe the future can be better than the present. I personally think modern sociology, which I am studying right now for college is too oriented about the past. They say if you want to understand a person you have to understand where he has come from, you have to understand his background and what has happened to him. But when you study scripture what is more important than your past, and how you were treated or abused is your vision of the future. A person is more controlled by his vision of tomorrow than his hurt of yesterday. I will close with 2 thoughts.
How can you start dreaming big and never stop?
1. Believe God has a plan to do good things in your life.

Jeremiah 29:11. "I know the plans I have for you; plans to prosper you, not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future."
Not only do you have a future, God gives you a hope in that future. When you are worried about tomorrow and your situation ain't looking good for the moment, you stand on that word! Your situation may not look good but you stand on what God said. I have a good plan for your life. You claim that and say it in your prayer time for your children when your situation may not look good for that moment. So I believe I have a great future no matter what I am going through for the moment cause that is what God said.
2. Don’t let your circumstances stop you from dreaming.
You are never too young or too old. Mozart wrote a symphony at age 6. Marjorie Gestring won Olympic Gold at age 13. Ray Kroc founded McDonalds at age 57. Colonel Harlan Sanders founded artery clogging, trans-fat overload Kentucky Fried Chicken at age 65. He has been into more countries than missionaries with KFC. That’s why as long as I live I want to keep dreaming. When I am an old man looking good and fit, I want to pass dreams to a younger generation. You are never too old. Never concentrate on the shortages of resources or money. There is no shortage of money in the world. What there is a shortage of is dreams and vision and courage to go after it. Dreams will attract resources. Dreams will attract people. It’s obvious I don’t want to attract some religious people if all they want to do is measure how long your dress is or how long your hair is or what you don’t do or where you don’t go, or what you believe about the Easter Bunny or when Jesus is gonna come back, or who the white horse of Revelation is, or once saved is always saved. If that’s your life, you aint gotta life. You certainly don’t have a future here. I have bigger fish to fry. That may be something to talk about over a cup of hot chocolate but I am not gonna build my life on those stupid little nit picky legalistic issues that divide people and only hurt feelings and don’t amount to squat. And when you get to Heaven, you are not going to be asked what you believed about the Easter Bunny. Stop it! Did you take your kids trick or treating, or what you believed about the white horse in Revelation. Some of you reading this are thinking I did not know there was a white horse in Revelation. I don’t know. It’s not going to matter! It is not a criteria for going to Heaven, that is just something you learn from watching too much Christian TV and you start loosing perspective about where life and where people are and what’s important to them. We live in a little Christian sub-culture and we lose touch of reality. Don’t concentrate on what there is a shortage of. Every time you take a big step of faith, it is very easy to focus on what you don’t have. Focus on what you do have. God will always bless you. Have every confidence in the God who can do anything but fail and will help you fulfill your dream. I am not basing that on nothing. You have a legacy to lean on. God can make a way when you have no way. Stop looking at your past failures, skin color, your race, I don’t have that SAT score or I don’t have blah blah blah…4 out of the top 10 fortune 500 companies are run by immigrants and they don’t even have college degrees. They came to this country with a dream believing it would come true. Don’t stop dreaming!
Proverbs 16:3- Commit whatever you do to the Lord so shall your plans succeed.
Humor me a second, say this out loud. “My dreams will have an impact on my life, my children, my future, and my destiny.” I promise you with every ounce in me, they do.