Wednesday, July 23, 2008

You Have The Last Laugh

“One should, perform karma with nonchalance without expecting the benefits because sooner or later one shall definitely get the fruits.”
-Rig Veda

So it has finally come to fruition. I get what I deserve. I fell in love only to be blindsided by dishonesty about something I am not sure if unfaithfulness came into play. I tried to do the right thing this time and be open, honest, and even cut people out of my past to protect and nurture my relationship for the future. It was the correct thing to do. Even though, I was only to be taken for granted. Now I am starting from scratch. I must go back to the drawing board to work on myself once again alone. I will not get too personal about what happened because it is between her and I so the public display of laundry would be an immature thing to do. All I can say was she was a sweet person and I will miss her. Such a shame because I felt so strongly for her.
Somehow I knew this was going to happen. I entered the relationship hoping to get my karma behind me and over with. After I did so much damage to someone else I felt I would have this occur to me. I do have to say I knew I could never put myself through all that I put Angie through. I learned from my mistakes and knew when a habit would continue to occur and cut it off before I let it become one. So, I hope this makes you happy out there knowing it has come full circle. You get the last laugh. I had it coming to me. I know I cut you from my life, but if you still happen to read this blog like you used to from time to time to check in and see how I am, you deserve a bottle of wine to sit back and relish in this occurrence. My Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, I suppose.

Now I go on with my future. I have purchased my first rental property and I am excited to start building some wealth. It is not much but it is a start. I purchased the house as a foreclosure. It is worth $119,000 and I got it for $85,000. I should be closing within 20 days and already have some renters lined up. Hopefully one will work out. My intentions are to accumulate at least 50 houses and have them paid off. That would generate roughly $50,000/month in income or $600k per year. It is not a great fortune, not even really a small one but it will definitely help me retire. We shall see. I just have to find the drive to keep going. I need God right about now. So sad and disappointed. Tired too. Aw shucks.

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