Tuesday, April 04, 2006

My Route to Live

"Always Bear In Mind That Your Own Resolution To Succeed Is More Important Than Any One Thing."

Abraham Lincon (1809-1865)

My Favorite Proverb...trusty number four.

Hear, O children, a father's instruction, be attentive, that you may gain understanding!
Yes, excellent advice I give you; my teaching do not forsake.
When I was my father's child, frail, yet the darling of my mother,
He taught me, and said to me: "Let your heart hold fast my words: keep my commands, that you may live!
"Get wisdom, get understanding! Do not forget or turn aside from the words I utter.
Forsake her not, and she will preserve you; love her, and she will safeguard you;
The beginning of wisdom is: get wisdom; at the cost of all you have, get understanding.
Extol her, and she will exalt you; she will bring you honors if you embrace her;
She will put on your head a graceful diadem; a glorious crown will she bestow on you."
Hear, my son, and receive my words, and the years of your life shall be many.
On the way of wisdom I direct you, I lead you on straightforward paths.
When you walk, your step will not be impeded, and should you run, you will not stumble.
Hold fast to instruction, never let her go; keep her, for she is your life.
The path of the wicked enter not, walk not on the way of evil men;
Shun it, cross it not, turn aside from it, and pass on.
For they cannot rest unless they have done evil; to have made no one stumble steals away their sleep.
For they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence.
The way of the wicked is like darkness; they know not on what they stumble.
But the path of the just is like shining light, that grows in brilliance till perfect day.
My son, to my words be attentive, to my sayings incline your ear;
Let them not slip out of your sight, keep them within your heart;
For they are life to those who find them, to man's whole being they are health.
With closest custody, guard your heart, for in it are the sources of life.
Put away from your dishonest talk, deceitful speech put far from you.
Let your eyes look straight ahead and your glance be directly forward.

Survey the path for your feet, and let all your ways be sure.
Turn neither to right nor to left, keep your foot far from evil.

A Little Story From Mountain Wings...

I once asked my Aunt, Dora Jane, who raised me as if she were my mother where we stood on the spectrum between rich and poor.
I said, "I know we live well and have money, but we don't have millions of dollars. What does that make us?"
She responded by saying, "I beg your pardon! We are rich, we have always been rich and we will always be rich!"
I responded, "But Auntie, we don't have money like the Getty's?"
She interrupted me and said as she pointed to her heart, and then to her head, "Rich is in here and up here.
You will always be rich in heart and mind.If you have a lot of money that makes you wealthy.If you have no money, that makes you broke.
You see, richness is a state of mind; not how much money you have.It does not matter how much you have that counts in life.It's what you do with what you have that counts. And so long as you remember that you will always be rich."

~Jake Ehrlich III~

...my little footnote, so you can be wealthy and do nothing and be selfish, or you can be wealthy and do incredible things for a lot of people around the world. Also, you can be poor and bitter and broke and do nothing. To state the facts, more hate related crimes happen to those in poverty. Just a thought...You decide.

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