Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Being Friendless Taught Me How To Be Friends
Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809 – 1894)
I lost a good friend or someone I thought was a good friend. She decided to dump a bunch of built up aggression on me again. I did not deserve it and now realized she was not such a good friend after all. I would never hesitate to do anything for my friends. This person in particular would get my attention and I would drop anything I was doing to be there no matter what. But she continued to choose to take all of her anger and frustration out on me because “She knew I would take it and still love her anyway” or so she says. Well, after the third time of unloading every bit of anger and saying some pretty hurtful things I have decided to step away and move on to better friends who are uplifting and see the inherent good nature in me. I know I have faults and am not perfect and I have still lots of life to experience and grow with, but nobody deserves to be treated so harshly as friends, leave that for my enemies.
In the meantime I have made friends with a wonderful person and I am so thankful to have once again a person who I feel so free talking to. Someone I can talk for hours on end and not feel like I am running out of things to discuss…or just sit on the phone with in silence and not have that uncomfortable feeling. I am glad our paths have crossed. You have been such a wonderful addition in life. Your perspective is truly enlightening and I, like you, have been stretched to see things differently.
Monday, November 17, 2008
400 Years of Change
"Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better."
King Whitney Jr.
Wow how far we have come. First let me make my position clear. This is not a post or blog of racism nor politics. I voted for McCain. Am I upset that a man who served our country so honorably lost? A little. Am I wondering what lies beneath our future? Absolutely. I serve our country in the United States Air Force so my political views and opinions sum up to this, the vote is over, the choice is made, I will gladly serve the new Commander-in-Chief.
So, change. Change We Need. Change was the theme for Obama and was a wise selection for his “motto”. This brings me to my history lesson on 400 years of change. Truth is what I am going to write about is actually a 400+ year progression from well before the founding of the United States.
400 years ago slavery was a way of life. There were other forms of forced labor known as indentured servants. If you owed a debt and did not pay your debt within the agreed upon time they would force you into manual labor. It was not slavery though. Once you worked off your debt, you are free. In slavery, you were property and never freed unless the owner signed off on your freedom.
In the 16 and 1700’s communities took on the debt of birthing children. It was not cheap then either. You weren’t expected as a parent to do it alone. If a woman was single and birthed a child out of wedlock it was so frowned upon so much that she was forced into manual labor to repay her debt to the community.
As time went on and more and more blacks were brought to the states, more laws came into effect preventing blacks from having sex with whites creating mulatto children. Black slave’s mulatto children inherited being enslaved as well. It became such a problem due to racism that they went to extreme measures to try and stop it from occurring. Legislation was written that if a mulatto child is born out of wedlock, then that child will be forced into labor for 30 years. Considering the fact that the life expectancy for a child not in slavery was 32-43 years, you are pretty much birthing a child in to slavery for his entire life just because you had sex with a white man or black man. Yes, it worked both ways. (Just to rule out the people who are upset about white men raping black women) White women had their share of fun too.
So change we need? 300 years ago Barack Obama would have been forced into slave labor just because his black father had sex with a white woman. I say we have changed a bit. I am grateful for that. I just pray this position which is now going to be held by a black man will make people pull their pants up, stop the dropout rate from going higher and higher, and keep teen pregnancy down. Not to mention black on black crimes. That’s the change we need and I pray people find their hope and belief in knowing the highest office in the world has been achieved by a black man.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
You Have The Last Laugh
-Rig Veda
So it has finally come to fruition. I get what I deserve. I fell in love only to be blindsided by dishonesty about something I am not sure if unfaithfulness came into play. I tried to do the right thing this time and be open, honest, and even cut people out of my past to protect and nurture my relationship for the future. It was the correct thing to do. Even though, I was only to be taken for granted. Now I am starting from scratch. I must go back to the drawing board to work on myself once again alone. I will not get too personal about what happened because it is between her and I so the public display of laundry would be an immature thing to do. All I can say was she was a sweet person and I will miss her. Such a shame because I felt so strongly for her.
Somehow I knew this was going to happen. I entered the relationship hoping to get my karma behind me and over with. After I did so much damage to someone else I felt I would have this occur to me. I do have to say I knew I could never put myself through all that I put Angie through. I learned from my mistakes and knew when a habit would continue to occur and cut it off before I let it become one. So, I hope this makes you happy out there knowing it has come full circle. You get the last laugh. I had it coming to me. I know I cut you from my life, but if you still happen to read this blog like you used to from time to time to check in and see how I am, you deserve a bottle of wine to sit back and relish in this occurrence. My Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, I suppose.
Now I go on with my future. I have purchased my first rental property and I am excited to start building some wealth. It is not much but it is a start. I purchased the house as a foreclosure. It is worth $119,000 and I got it for $85,000. I should be closing within 20 days and already have some renters lined up. Hopefully one will work out. My intentions are to accumulate at least 50 houses and have them paid off. That would generate roughly $50,000/month in income or $600k per year. It is not a great fortune, not even really a small one but it will definitely help me retire. We shall see. I just have to find the drive to keep going. I need God right about now. So sad and disappointed. Tired too. Aw shucks.
Monday, June 16, 2008
A Whole New World
-Agatha Christie (1890-1976)
4 years ago I dreamed of a day when the 4Runner would become hydrogen powered that emits only water. Well, today we are one step closer. Is it because people are tired of paying $4/gallon of gas? I am not so sure. Is it because people are becoming more environmental? I am not so sure about that either. Is it because people are tired of driving to gas stations and filling up every 4 days or so? Probably. But it sure will be nice filling up every other week and not having to smell all those fumes. Even though I have an addiction to unleaded fuel. The day will come when no emissions are common and those like me who wishes to own a muscle car will have to travel far ways to find a fueling station.
Honda rolls out fuel cell car
Japanese automaker's hydrogen-powered FCX Clarity promises twice the efficiency of gas-electric hybrids.
TAKANEZAWA, Japan (AP) -- Honda's new zero-emission, hydrogen fuel cell car rolled off a Japanese production line Monday and is headed to southern California, where Hollywood is already abuzz over the latest splash in green motoring.
The FCX Clarity, which runs on hydrogen and electricity, emits only water and none of the gases believed to induce global warming. It is also two times more energy efficient than a gas-electric hybrid and three times that of a standard gasoline-powered car, the company says.
Honda expects to lease out a "few dozen" units this year and about 200 units within a year. In California, a three-year lease will run $600 a month, which includes maintenance and collision coverage.
Among the first customers are actress Jamie Lee Curtis and filmmaker husband Christopher Guest, actress Laura Harris, film producer Ron Yerxa, as well as businessmen Jon Spallino and Jim Salomon.
"It's so smooth," said Harris, who played villainness Marie Warner on the hit TV show "24." "It's like a future machine, but it's not."
Harris, Spallino and Yerxa were flown to the ceremony, courtesy of Honda. Yerxa says he's excited to show off the car and believes there's "a lot of interest."
The biggest obstacles standing in the way of wider adoption of fuel cell vehicles are cost and the dearth of hydrogen fuel stations. For the Clarity's release in California, Honda said it received 50,000 applications through its Web site but considered only buyers living near hydrogen fuel stations in Torrance, Santa Monica and Irvine.
"This is indeed a historic day for both Honda and American Honda - a new chapter in our nearly fifty-year history in America," said John Mendel, a senior vice president at America Honda Motor Co. at a morning ceremony here. "It's an especially significant day for American Honda as we plant firm footsteps toward the mainstreaming of fuel cell cars."
Initially, however, the Clarity will go only to a chosen few starting July and then launch in Japan this fall.
Although Honda Motor Co. was the first Japanese automaker to launch a gas-electric hybrid vehicle in the U.S. in 1999, it has been outpaced by the dominance of Toyota's popular Prius.
Toyota announced in May that it has sold more than 1 million Prius hybrids, while both the Honda Insight and the hybrid Accord have been discontinued due to poor sales.
The FCX Clarity is part of Honda's plan to keep pace with rivals in green technology. It also plans to launch a gas-electric hybrid-only model, as well as hybrid versions of the Civic, the sporty CR-Z and Fit subcompact.
Friday, April 04, 2008
40 Years to When
Richard M. Nixon (1914-1994)
"Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God."
So it has been 40 years since the assassination of Martin Luther Kind Jr. Where would the world be if RFK and MLK were still with us? 2 of the best speakers I have ever heard, through YouTube of course since I am but 25 years old.
Before his death he was in Memphis assisting with the Sanitation Strike. A true servant of people. Not a God, but a man who served one. 2 days before his death he gave a speech in support of the workers. He quoted this passage.
Luke 10:30-37
30In reply Jesus said: "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. 35The next day he took out two silver coins[a] and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him,' he said, 'and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.'
36"Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?"
37The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him."
Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."
What a relevant scripture to show support of fellow men and women. It continues on with the Priest and Levite saying,
"If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?" But then the Good Samaritan came by. And he reversed the question: "If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?"
MLK uses this and says, “That’s the question for you tonight. Not, "If I stop to help the sanitation workers, what will happen to my job. Not, "If I stop to help the sanitation workers what will happen to all of the hours that I usually spend in my office every day and every week as a pastor?" The question is not, "If I stop to help this man in need, what will happen to me?" The question is, "If I do not stop to help the sanitation workers, what will happen to them?" That's the question.”
What a beautiful man. A man of love.
Now on to Bobby,
So Bobby was in Indianapolis when the assassination occurred. He gave this speech. Now, when the country found out about the assassination, riots broke out in almost every major city. Who can not think that after hearing this RFK speech, why people in that city did not, nobody knows? A man of true inspiration. So sad we never got to live through a presidency with him.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Good Boss Bad Boss
Peter Drucker (1909-2005)
There is a dramatic change in the world with views on leadership. A certain paradyme if you will. Leadership in the industrial age or even further back to the agrarian age, leaders were viewed as the powerful. Those who "made it" must be smart or connected...or even kiss asses. Leaders viewed themselves as the ones who made decisions for the people and were in control. They told others their jobs and defined people without even knowing their capabilities. Well, this past decade there has been a dramatic shift in thought for the role of a leader. The leader is the servant. They are at the will of workers. And, they will have to learn this is they wish to be a good leader. This article below seems to share the views of many success based principles of the 21st century.
By Martha Beck from "O, The Oprah Magazine," January 2005.
Few things incite a frothing, wild-eyed rage like asking people to talk about bad bosses. People aren't just annoyed by poor leadership -- they sputter and snarl as they describe their superiors, lusting for the chance to hit that bad boss with a perfect, withering insult. Or perhaps a truck.
It's a little scary, then, to realize that we're all likely to occupy a leadership role, from motherhood to mogulhood, at some point in our lives. When we blow it, our imperfections will be magnified by our authority.
Leadership is simply too complex to do perfectly. I believe that the key to being a better boss lies in accepting that fact.
Ineffective leaders expect their role to be easy and think -- no matter what -- that they're doing the job just right. Although good leaders often begin with similar expectations, convinced they're natural-born chieftains, they soon run smack-dab into a little thing called Monday morning.
The best leaders let go of the fantasy and become fully present and responsive to the complexities of each new situation. They're the ones -- the few, the proud, the downright worshipped -- who earn their followers' respect.
To become one of them, you need to turn bad-boss behaviors on their head to find your way toward good-boss techniques.
Bad-boss self-concept: As a leader, I'll be a higher-up.
Good-boss self-concept: As a leader, I'll have to go lower down.
The bad-boss tales I've heard include many stories of managers demanding the undoable, responding to objections by simply reiterating that it had to be done. This creates nothing but hostility.
"If you want to govern the people, you must place yourself below them," said the philosopher Lao-tzu (who is my favorite management consultant, despite having been dead for centuries).
That doesn't mean you become a slave to your followers' whims. Great bosses acknowledge their own ignorance and ask questions of everyone to gain a better grasp of two important things: What's going on? What needs to be done?
Bad-boss target setting: Now that I'm the boss, I give orders to others.
Good-boss target setting: Now that I'm the boss, I bring order to what others do.
Many people thrill to giving orders or critiques but have unclear, uninformed or ambivalent ideas about what they're actually trying to accomplish -- that is, they know what they want this second, but the big picture is as fuzzy as a winter mink.
Leading well means forming a crystal clear image of what must happen and communicating that precisely. After giving an assignment, ask that person to describe the task in their own words. If they can't, or if the account they give doesn't match what you were trying to convey, you need to try a new tack. The first step could be as easy as clarifying your directives -- or you might have to rethink your organizational chart and who reports to whom.
Bad-boss position on feedback: Now everyone must tell me when I'm right.
Good-boss position on feedback: Now everyone must tell me when I'm wrong.
Most humans go through the world trying to elicit validation. Al Preble, a leadership consultant for Cambridge Leadership Group in Cambridge, Massachusetts, says this isn't the way to go. The most powerful way for leaders to communicate, he believes, is to use just three simple steps.
When a problem arises:
1. Clearly tell your subordinate what you really think.
2. Describe the facts that led you to this opinion.
3. Ask to be disconfirmed; in other words, honestly request that people tell you where you're wrong.
Bad-boss protection strategy: As a boss, I'll be protected from taking blame.
Good-boss protection strategy: As a boss, I'll protect others by taking blame.
The successful bosses I interviewed emphasized that a good leader helps her followers feel safe from the dangers that come from both inside and outside the organization.
An incompetent supervisor, on the other hand, feels that the best way to secure her position is to appear faultless, and works mightily to make clear who fouled up or even to lay blame on a scapegoat. But that behavior turns people into twitchy, record-keeping, blame-tallying masses of ectoplasm.
Bad-boss problem solving: Being the boss means I can avoid problems.
Good-boss problem solving: Being the boss means I must seek out problems.
You can tell if you're making mistakes as a leader because things go wrong -- not just one catastrophic computer snafu but repeated errors. Bad bosses turn away from these realities. They don't discuss problems; they just hunker down and hope the issue will go away. It won't. Untreated, a minor concern becomes a major issue becomes a catastrophe.
This is the core of good leadership, whether you're managing a corporation, your immediate family, or just your own life.
Lao-tzu puts it this way: "When [the Master] runs into a difficulty, she stops and gives herself to it. She doesn't cling to her own comfort; thus problems are no problem for her."
Embracing the fact that you'll encounter many obstacles -- and that this is all right -- allows you to understand, listen, give clear instructions, invite negative feedback, and protect those you lead. You'll be comfortable with leadership, even when it's uncomfortable. And that will make you an easy act to follow.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Just wanted to Share
The enemy of great is good. The primary reason so few leaders or organizations ever become great is because they get good and then stop. They stop growing, learning, risking, and changing. They use their track record or prior successes as evidence that they've arrived. Believing their own headlines, the leaders in these successful organizations are ready to write it down, build the manual, and document the formula. This mentality shifts their business from a growth to a maintenance mindset.
Neither you nor your business ever "arrives." We never get to the place where there's nothing more to be done and nothing more to be said. In the words of my friend Dave Anderson, "Yesterday's peacock is tomorrow's feather duster." What you strutted yesterday; the next day is just cleaning dust off of shelves.
I like to distinguish between a "goal mindset" and a "growth mindset." A person with a "goal mindset" has very tangible, numerical goals to achieve over a specific period of time. Nothing is wrong with clearly defined goals, but there's a better way of thinking that I call a "growth mindset." A growth mindset recognizes goals on the journey, but only as part of a process—not as the end results.
When goal-oriented people hit a milestone, they have tendency to settle very quickly, but when growth-minded individuals hit a goal, they blow right on by because they're constantly learning and growing.
Success has a brutal side: It can make you arrogant, it can make you complacent, and it can close your mind. To survive the temptations of triumph, we must realize that success is not the point and should never be the ultimate objective of an enterprise. The goal of business is to strive to reach full potential. I define full potential as focusing on seeing how far you can go, how good you can get, and how many people you can bring with you. Reality dictates that you will most likely never reach your full potential, but the journey keeps you humble, hungry, and focused. What you become in the process helps you and your organization make the leap from good to great. Use your success as a stepping stone, not a pedestal.
Leaders of successful organizations are tempted to stop working on themselves. They continue to work hard on their job, but they have a tendency to neglect personal growth. They use their experience and track record as a license never to read another book and an excuse never to attend another developmental course in their field. They point to their acclaim and accomplishments and decide to rely on the skills they have learned in the past to run the rest of their career. They develop an arrogance of intelligence that creates a disabling ignorance. This ignorance disables them, their people, and, as a result, their business.
Growing people grow people. But when you don't grow, you plateau. It's just a matter of time. Once this happens, you plateau everyone working for you. When I as a leader go flat, my influence with everybody in my organization fizzles and fades. When the leader doesn't grow, the people don't grow. It's the Law of the Lid; a stagnant leader stunts the growth of the organization.
Let me give you four benefits of pursuing your potential, even during seasons of success.
• We have higher self-esteem. People that are constantly learning and growing have a good self-image.
• We are willing to change and risk. One of the obvious evidences of growing people is that they are constantly changing and risking. Show me a person that doesn't change, that doesn't risk, and I'll show you a person that's not growing.
• Our passion increases. When we begin to grow personally, our passion for life and learning begins to increase proportionately.
• We lift the lid for others. What a leader does determines what everybody else is going to do. The people don't pass the leader. An organization's growth doesn't outpace the leader's progress. As I lift the lid for myself, I lift the lid for others.
One of the most amazing things to me is how much room there is at the top. On the other hand, it's jam-packed and crowded at the bottom. On the streets of average, there's traffic and congestion, but success has so few people on the roads. It's amazing how the higher you go, the less people there are. Three percent of the people in the United States have a library card. Six percent of Americans believe Elvis is still alive. Trust me, there's a lot of room at the top.
As a leader you should learn like you'll live forever and live like you'll die tomorrow. Either way, you're covered.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Criminals Don't Obey Laws
William J. Brennan, Jr. quotes
“Every man has a right to be wrong in his opinions. But no man has a right to be wrong in his facts.”
Bernard M. Baruch
I am a strong supporter of owning firearms for home protection, personal concealment for public protection, and recreational use like hunting and tactical training etc. But, I am a devil’s advocate and love a good debate. So let’s review the facts.
We must first start with the 2nd Amendment. It states
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Do not let people use it as it is commonly misused and out of context, “A right to bear arms”. It is not a right to bear arms just because I am a civilian in the U.S. It clearly states a well regulated militia for the security of a free state.
Now some of the controversy comes from people like me who try and dig into things a little deeper than necessary. What is written and approved by congress and the senate was not the same grammatical writing of what was dispersed to the states. I think this argument is total BS. But we will acknowledge it anyway.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
So, it is clear there is a difference in punctuation. What are the meanings and what is really supposed to be emphasized? Whether the word “people” is capitalized or not, you can’t argue that the first 4 words are not in the mix. And that is where I stand. Again, a well regulated militia. So what is a militia…well there are several changes to what it is over the last 230 years. State militia’s eventually evolved into the National Guard. There is a strong movement going on now to return back to militias regulated by civilians because the guard is beginning to be an army too controlled by the federal government. Militias are for civil protection against governments, and yes that includes the United States of America. You can read more about them here on Wikipedia.
Let me ask how many of you belong to a well regulated militia? How many times have other states come to your town to take over? Have you ever used your gun to defend your free state? This “right” is clearly used in the wrong context.
Now let’s move on to my own personal beliefs about the rights of Americans. This amendment has been in effect and has shaped our country for too long now to just go and say civilians who do not belong to a militia can not own firearms. Too many have guns and it has shaped our lives that we as civilians can own guns. The more and more rights we are used to having that get slowly taken away will create a huge problem. The government will continue to take and take and take. That is the one thing I do not believe is right. But I do think the laws regarding firearms should be reviewed for the current lifestyle we live in. So screw the damn debate and make new legislation that is for the protection of the people against criminals. Gun laws do not stop criminals. They help them.
The debate is also over whether assault rifles should be legal. I do not think it is necessary to own an assault rifle. They should be banned. They aren’t for home protection; they are for tactical assault and should only be issued by government agencies for such. Most attacks aren’t from assault rifles except in gang/drug related instances. Most are for handguns and hunting rifles. Handguns account for 81 percent of all murders. I would hate to live in D.C and not have the ability to own a handgun in my home and let a robber come in to rape my wife and she can’t protect herself because it is illegal to own handguns in the D.C. That law was past some 32 years ago. D.C. is continuously on the top 5 murder rate cities in the country. That is not right! They should be able to have one. The law is clearly not making a dent on the crime rate there.
Gun related crimes in Texas are lower (keep in mind the size of our state and the fact we have 3 major cities with over a million in population, and one very close to it) than any other state. Most states require you to attend a class, get a certificate/license and several week background checks before you can purchase a handgun. Here in Texas all you need is a driver license. You walk into a store, they will run a 20 minute background check, you sign some forms and pay. You can literally walk out the door in 30 minutes with your gun. Does the thought of how easy it is to own a handgun in Texas deter people from committing gun related crimes wondering if this person or that person might be carrying? I think it does. Not to mention we have the highest number of concealed permits here too. Just a plug, California has more cities in the US on the top 65 list of crime rate. Is it due their gun bans and “hippie” left wing mentality? I am all for peace. I would love to have no violence but I also believe in the devil and know it is not possible.
Now I am not saying we should have a complete arsenal in our house for protection. If the argument is you need a gun to protect yourself then you should be able to purchase one for that. If you want to go hunt deer or shoot birds then you should be able to purchase that. Maybe even get 2 or 3 guns for different areas of your house. I think your gun should be legal, certified, numbered and registered. I do not think you need an AR-15, a 50 caliber Desert Eagle, an M-16, an SKS, a 1911 45, 4 different gauge shotguns, a 30/30, a 30/6, a Glock tactical 9mm, and a .380 scattered throughout your house for home protection. That is BS. Get your certifications, get your concealment license, take some shooting classes and have a limit on how many guns civilians are allowed to own if you want to protect yourself. If you want to hunt, get a rifle and do it. That is what I feel. Guns deter crimes though. Look at the difference between the Virginia Tech shootings and the Appalachian School of Law Shooting. It was the difference between 32 dead because nobody was prepared and 2 dead because others went to their cars and had firearms to assist.
Your 2nd Amendment isn’t to bear arms wherever you please. The amendment is if you are in a well regulated militia, your militia can provide you arms for protection of your state against governments looking to overtake your state (again this includes your own government). So stop stretching it to do whatever you please and use this right to bear arms crap. That is not what the right is, but I do think we should have the right to guns but have a limit and a use. It is time to change the laws for the people.
Here is a link to the preceedings of the Supreme Court yesterday and several great points were made. They are viewing this Amendment as an individual right to bear arms. But one justice said "I can not imagine that in those days, the father would tell the son to get his arms to go and hunt some food." The word arms is for protcetion of country. Not for protection of your house. I am on the fence here. I do not believe the amendment is valid at all. I think new legislation shoudl be written to protect the people who wish to safeguard their belongings and safehood.
Enjoy article and podcast.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Who Determines A Hero?
Will Rogers (1879-1935)
From CNN.com
WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) -- A dolphin swam up to two distressed whales that appeared headed for death in a beach stranding in New Zealand and guided them to safety, witnesses said Wednesday.
The actions of the bottlenose dolphin -- named Moko by residents who said it spends much of its time swimming playfully with humans at the beach -- amazed would-be rescuers and an expert who said they were evidence of the species' friendly nature.
The two pygmy sperm whales, a mother and her calf, were found stranded on Mahia Beach, about 500 kilometers (300 miles) northeast of the capital of Wellington, on Monday morning, said Conservation Department worker Malcolm Smith.
Rescuers worked for more than one hour to get the whales back into the water, only to see them strand themselves four times on a sandbar slightly out to sea. It looked likely the whales would have to be euthanized to prevent them suffering a prolonged death, Smith said.
"They kept getting disorientated and stranding again," said Smith, who was among the rescuers. "They obviously couldn't find their way back past (the sandbar) to the sea."
Along came Moko, who approached the whales and led them 200 meters (yards) along the beach and through a channel out to the open sea.
"Moko just came flying through the water and pushed in between us and the whales," Juanita Symes, another rescuer, told The Associated Press. "She got them to head toward the hill, where the channel is. It was an amazing experience. The best day of my life."
Anton van Helden, a marine mammals expert at New Zealand's national museum, Te Papa Tongarewa, said the reports of Moko's rescue were "fantastic" but believable because the dolphins have "a great capacity for altruistic activities."
These included evidence of dolphins protecting people lost at sea, and their playfulness with other animals.
"We've seen bottlenose dolphins getting lifted up on the noses of humpback whales and getting flicked out of the water just for fun," van Helden said.
"But it's the first time I've heard of an inter-species refloating technique. I think that's wonderful," said van Helden, who was not involved in the rescue but spoke afterward to Smith.
Smith speculated that Moko responded after hearing the whales' distress calls.
"It was looking like it was going to be a bad outcome for the whales ... then Moko just came along and fixed it," he said. "They had arched their backs and were calling to one another, but as soon as the dolphin turned up they submerged into the water and followed her."
After the rescue, Moko returned to the beach and joined in games with local residents, he said.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Can You Take A Yoke?
Matthew 11:28, Then Jesus said, “Come to me all who are weary carrying heavy burdens. Ill give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you because I am humble and gentle and you’ll find rest for your souls. For my yoke fits perfectly and the burden I give you is light.”
So what’s killing you? What are you picking up that God didn’t give you? He said my yoke is easy, my burden is light. All day throughout work I notice mostly overstressed people, weary people, and exhausted folks living at an increasing breakneck pace.
Neil Postman said in his book Amusing Ourselves to Death wrote that “Our culture is no longer print oriented but rather image oriented. The overload of all the information we are now getting is called info stress. You are getting so much input it is almost impossible to process it.” 100 years ago the only news we got was from an immediate family in a near a neighborhood. If something big happened in the U.S or a foreign country we wouldn’t know about it for months. What info people we got back then came in small doses. People had time to process it and handle the info. Today with satellites and instant global communication we are constantly bombarded with so much news and so many images from all over the world that as soon as it happens and are about to process it something else occurs.
Jesus says come to me. He says come unto me and I will give you rest, take my yoke and you will find rest. There are 2 kinds of rest. One rest is given and one is found. The one that is given is our salvation. So if you have been saved, you have been given the rest in God. You are forgiven and should not be working for his acceptance. Jesus called this good news. You don’t have to work for anything except a living.
There is another kind of rest. A rest you have to find. It’s a sense of peace and well being and comes when you know God and take his yoke upon you. In Exodus 33:13, Moses said “Lord, if I found grace in your sight show me your way that I may know you” and God said “My presence will go with you Moses and I will give you rest.” Can you take a yoke? Christ offers a yoke but you have to take it. If you receive something you must take it. It’s not passive; you reach out and take it. He said take my yoke, so it requires effort on our part. Jesus is saying, if you are tired, weary, broke, exhausted, come to me and I will give you more work. But it’s not just any work He is giving to you. It’s His work, and He says His work is easy, His burden is light…so what the heck did you pick up that is causing you to burn out, have psychiatric care and emotional due rest or be angry and upset, restless and frustrated? Unsatisfied, giving you Monday morning blues and the desire to shoot someone while driving to work or say thank God it’s Friday and I’m off. I had to learn recently that God loves me and everyone else has a plan for my life. But God’s plan is for my life and that yoke will fit me like a tailor made suit. His yoke requires you to submit to his will. It’s an analogy people. A wooden yoke put over the shoulders of plow animals. The neck in scripture has to do with the will. When God talks about rebellious people He says you’re a stiff necked. A yoke allows the plowman to turn the submitter left or right. It also goes over the shoulders to signify carrying a responsibility. So if you hear the saying he has big shoulders it’s because he carries heavy responsibility.
Now when I got saved I didn’t know Jesus as provider, or comforter, or healer. But when I took on a yoke in that area I got a revelation of Him that I couldn’t get from reading a blog, or listening to a tape or hearing that sermon. God is more than sitting in the chair every Sunday. Now we hear all the time he will provide all you need and it sure sounded nice but I was uncertain and insecure. I wondered if I would have enough. I always worried about if this or that happened. But when I got into the yoke of my provider and honored Him my tithe and generosity, I got to know Him as my provider. Strange and sudden things that make you wonder and go wow. Our tiredness, fatigue and weariness come from wearing our yoke, not His. Here’s an example, John 4…the disciples and Jesus were walking thru Samaria, they are tired and hungry, it is hot. Jesus sends them into the city to get food. When they came back Jesus had already witnessed to a Samarian woman. He led her to Himself as messiah and she ran into town to tell everyone Jesus is sitting on the well. And the disciples tried to get Jesus to eat food but He wouldn’t eat anything. They are baffled! He said I have food to eat that you don’t know anything about. He said my food is to do the will of Him whom sent me. Now Jesus had a secret we could learn from. He knew if He was doing the will of God, wearing that yoke He wasn’t going to lack energy, be hungry or unsatisfied for his life. Sticking to the analogy of food and doing His father’s will, let’s examine food. Food provides 3 values, sustenance, without food you can’t endure, you get weak. Food provides strength and energy; there are low energy foods and high energy foods. Stop living a low carb lifestyle. You need a bigger dream. And finally, it provides satisfaction. Good food well presented gives everybody a great feeling. So spiritually catch what He is saying. Jesus is saying my food meaning my sustenance, my strength and satisfaction is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish that work. So your design is to be self-sustaining, self-sufficient and self-fulfilling. Zoe, my ex’s dog never had blue Mondays, “Well its Monday, I am not chase that bird or run fast in the park. I don’t feel like getting excited when you come home and I certainly don’t want to play with you. Thank God it’s Friday! I am just going to lay here and won’t even scratch a flea.” No matter what time or what day, you just call her name and she’ll go crazy tail wagging nuts. Birds don’t have bad days, worms don’t either. Worms just worm away all the time or do whatever worms do regardless of Monday or not. They just do what they are made to do. Everyday it’s a good day. Only humans come up with this crap. That’s because you aren’t in the yoke God gave you. You’ll be better at it, you’ll be fruitful. Get satisfaction and a sense of esteem and pride. You’ll want to be, you’ll grow in it. Every person has an assignment. Ask yourself if you are pursuing a divine purpose. Your satisfaction depends on it. God yokes us for a work. Make a commitment. Put on the yoke and pull your load. Even in church. Parents want their kids to clean their room, make their beds, wash the dishes, mow the lawn, wash the floors, wash the car and have all kinds of responsibility in the household family but in the spiritual family the parents don’t want to do anything. They just come to church and sit. The issue is this, has God joined you to do his yoke with someone? If God has joined you let not man tear it apart. Now I know you use that in a wedding which gets all twisted and used in understandably applicable ways but if you read it, it reads Paul speaks of a mystery, a personal revelation from Jesus, about Christ and the church. He didn’t even mention a wedding. Again it’s true about marriage, but it’s about the church. If God joins you, don’t let the flesh and don’t let men break it up. My point is that being a Christian alone won’t change the world. Being yoked to the Lord and being yoked to those He calls you to will. Different races, different cultures, different backgrounds, different sex, beliefs and denominations. God says if I am going to use you to do a great work then you have to be bigger than African American or Anglo-Saxon. You’ve got to be bigger than Baptist, Assembly of God or 7th day. God is going to yoke you with different people and if the only thing that attracts you to someone is that you like the same music or hairstyle then it is not going to work. Don’t be so intolerant. Don’t tear so easily. Have a little flexibility and open-mindedness and less judgment. If you only meet with Christians then you won’t go were Jesus went. Truth doesn’t change but styles will. Sometimes you don’t know if God has yoked you together for a while. Don’t judge a person by appearance. Listen to their words and heart to see if there is wisdom you could learn from. Sometimes we just get complacent and dull due to our ignorance and can’t touch people because of our own beliefs, ignorance about cultures, racism and world differences. 1 Corinthians 12:18, God sets every member in the body as it pleases him. Not them…Him. God does the yoking and God does the placement. You get to choose whether or not you take the yoke, He chooses where to place you. Have you ever played sports and been chosen third? Did you choose to be picked third? You don’t get to chose in God. Does the furniture tell you where be placed in the house? No, you choose to put the ashtray next to the bible. Don’t get all worked up all the time because things don’t go your way every single time. Lose some battles. Not everyone is like you. I really believe I can lower my potential if I break the joining God brings to me. So for me, I am glad you read this blog or are in my life if God has joined you to me. We will find out sooner or later when I say something to offend you (which God says will always happen. It is in the bible read it) and then we will find out if God joined you to me or not. He says that he will send storms to wash out which is not meant to be in the body. So if you aren’t joined by God then we will see how long you stay. So point again is that God has a yoke for you and it will be a much better life if you choose to take it. I am done rambling now. Thanks,
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
6 Steps To Breaking Out Of Lifeless Routine
Vince Lombardi
Occasionally winners lose but continue figuring out how to win, losers win on occasion but somehow screw it up and are determined to not change. Will Rogers said, “Even if you’re on the rite track you are gonna get run over if you just sit there.” James 2:17 states Faith by itself if not accompanied by action is dead. The purpose of life isn’t just to believe in something but also to do something. I once read that if more husbands were self starters, fewer wives would be cranks. All of us fall into ruts and routines. Kind of like watching television, the show isn’t that good but we are too lazy to change the channel. It’s not just when we see the light that makes us move, it’s the heat from the light that makes us move. We have to get desperate to make a change. In the story of The Progigal Son, he had to hit rock bottom before turning it around. Sometimes that is exactly what it takes. Some won’t go to the dentist until the pain is unbearable. Proverbs 20:30 says, Sometimes it takes a painful experience to make us change our way. Most don’t know what it takes to get an eaglet to fly. Some think the mother just pushes the baby out of the nest when she thinks they are ready and poof…well…not true. In most cases after the eaglet is hatched and it just lays in the comfortable nest for a long time with its mouth open hollering feed me, feed me (Pray for me, Pray for me) And the mother does just that, stuffs food down the eaglets throat. There has to come a moment when the momma makes them self-sufficient in order to survive. They need to fly and defend themselves and feed themselves. So how does she do it? She afflicts pain to her children. She destroys their comfort zone. She makes the nest a painful experience. How? Well, she pulls all their feathers out. She goes berserk. She tears the down fur out of them and rips the nest apart. It’s too prickly and uncomfortable to lie on. The eaglets have no idea what’s happening. Mothers insane they think, she is gonna hurt us. Then she kicks them to get them flying. Until your misery factor exceeds your fear factor, you won’t change. It is not that God inflicts the pain, but He will use it to get you moving. It may take the well drying up for you to get working. Sometimes people want what others don’t appreciate and those people will take better care of you. (I am glad I can be the Halloween joke though…stings a little but whatever, I am infamous) So maybe pain that was inflicted on you turned out to be a great thing. Otherwise we might still be a comfortable and routine bleh…or as you say, flour.
Step 1-Assume responsibility for your own life
There are 3 kinds of people. Accusers; often heard saying it is not my fault. It is always someone else’s fault… Adam took it like a man and blamed his wife Eve. I have been married 3 times, divorced 3 times and the guys were always to blame. Of the 3 different guys she was with…well…she was the one thing in common with all of them. “If you believe you are a victim you are too dumb for help.” That is what Dr. Phil said.
Excusers, I didn’t marry the right person, if I just had her looks, my momma didn’t hold me enough, or worse, momma held me under the water for too long. George Washington Carver said, “99 percent of the failure comes from a bad habit of making excuses.” Now, of course there are those who are beat and assaulted. They are absolutely victims. I feel so much sorrow for them. As hard as it is, you have to move on. But when you stay and go through it over and over you can only accept fault. Accept personal responsibility.
And then there are Choosers who accept responsibility and admit mistakes. Proverbs 28:13, A man who refuses to admit mistakes can never be successful. Take responsibility, God gives grace. Admit the area(s) you were wrong in and you may get another chance.
It is not his responsibility to make you unhappy, you can be hurt by him but not be made unhappy. God works all things for good to all who love Him and that are called according to his purpose…even bad things.
Step 2-You have to believe you can change your circumstances
Yes, I know it sounds stupid but there are lots of people who don’t believe they can change. That is why they stay in the abuse for instance. What can I do on my own? Who am I without him? I can not survive by myself. Stop saying I can’t, start saying I can through Christ. Attitude determines ability AND THAT takes reprogramming your mind.
Romans 12:2 reads, Let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of mind. Success starts in your mind. A good attitude is paramount if you are on a team or coach a team. When I become an employer, if you have a bad attitude, you are gone. You choose your attitude, there is nothing worse than a bad attitude, bad things happen but you better have a good attitude. And parents, please don’t let your kids develop a bad attitude mentality. This is one of the hardest things I think to change. God came to Moses, what did Moses say? I stutter, I am the wrong guy, I have murdered. God went to Gideon; he said I’m the youngest kid here from the poorest family in the smallest tribe in the nation of Israel. Talk about an inferiority complex. God comes to Jeremiah he HeardI’m just a teenager. So when God wants to use anybody, it’s typical we put up excuses…I can’t, I’m not able, I’m the wrong one, I can’t do it…and he had to build faith in all of them. Mark 9:23, Everything is possible to him who believes. You have to believe your situation can change or you need to get out of Christianity and find another faith, try radical Islam since you are suicidal anyway. He gives you a new identity. What would you like to change about your life? If you won’t change it because you can’t believe it can change then stop complaining about it. If you are gonna keep it, don’t complain about it…at least do us that favor. Hush up. But, if you hate it and want to change let’s come together and be a force to do so.
Step 3-Clarify what you really want
(Wow this sounds like I am writing a Succeed in Network Marketing Book) Famous psychiatrists say after years of practice and experience in the field that the most important thing they could do to help get patients’ life in order and happy again is to help them establish personal goals.
James 1:8, A double minded man is unstable in all that he does. There are lots of people who can’t make up their mind and don’t know what they want. They are either half in or half out. I could be a real nasty ugly person without Jesus. Most people have no idea the anger and hatred I have inside. I can choose to love or hate. God can change your heart…you can’t live hating her and want to hold her…make up your mind. Clarify what you want and move towards it. But don’t sit there and bitch about him all the time and go home and cuddle. You look like a fool. God says you are unstable and let not that man think he shall receive anything from the Lord. So you have to decide for yourself basically. Offers come, opportunities come, enticement, seduction comes. You are in trouble if you have to make a choice on that day about the offer if you haven’t already made the choice of what you want. I know, trust me. Because I know what I want doesn’t seduce me, never doubt it. Now in business and hobbies, things may be fun. You may have your goal set on something but get distracted easily by other “ventures” without knowing what you want you will never achieve anything. If you had to make a choice on any day, at any time about what you want, you will have to know what must be expendable if it doesn’t assist in the progress of your decision for what you want. And one last note on this section, the only way to change other people is by changing yourself.
You can’t wait for things to be perfect. If you wait for the wind and weather to be just right, you won’t plant anything and never harvest anything. Whatever you are decide to do, you will have to do it in less than perfect circumstances most of the time. It is never convenient to borrow money, buy a home, take that risk, volunteer, start a business or whatever. I’m gonna get married when it’s the rite one. You have to risk to say I do, you will never know even after you are married. It is something that unfolds over time. It is a calculated risk with faith you must take. It is never a convenient time to have kids. The thing is did Jesus say do it? Did the word of God say do it? Did He say come? Then you can walk on the circumstances. Interest rates will always go up and down; the President is going to change every 8 years. So why is waiting for the perfect circumstances dangerous?
1. Perfection makes us procrastinate. There is a great poem I use,
Procrastination is my sin. It only brings me sorrow,
I know I outta change my ways, in fact I will, tomorrow.
I’ll be generous when I make just a little bit more money. No you won’t, liar. Just decide to do your best now.
2. Perfection paralyzes your potential, if I can’t do it perfectly I am not gonna do it. Then what is the point of practice?
Step 5-Exercise your body
1 Timothy 4:8 says Exercise your body. Physical exercise has its value. Most people are too tired to change. It is not that they don’t know what to do; it is that they are too tired to do it. Most of what is done in the world is by people who didn’t feel like doing it. God made our bodies for movement and for activity. Fatigue is a major cause of procrastination. We live in a culture were we are either over committed or sit and do nothing and either way we vegetate and die. Ever notice now when you go to a hospital how quickly they make you walk after surgery or having a baby? As soon as you get that baby out they say next, kick you out and change the sheets. They want you walking. Back in the day you used to be in bed for 3 days. Now it’s off you go, surgery, stitch you up and get you moving because the quickest way to get healing is to get moving. Are you in a rut? Get moving! Something happening makes something happen. You feel better, look better, and live longer. Take care of your body. You need energy to change that and the only way to get energy is to expend energy. Most people suffering clinical depression are advised by psychologist to start walking. When you feel better you generally act better, but when you don’t feel well man it can be negative. It helps your attitude, creativity, makes you think, enhances your mental state, and your endurance. Acts 9:34 says, Get up and make your bed. So if you’re tired expend a little energy and get a lot, remember give and it shall be given to you, good measure, press down, shaken together and running over. It’s not only applied to money people. Go exercise and you come back home with a great new feeling, positive energy.
Step 6-Do it now!
3 words to that will change your life forever. When are you going to commit to Christ? When are you going to give up the hidden addiction before it becomes scandalous? When are you going become a better person? When are you going to be generous? Do it now!
Proverbs 27:1, Never boast about tomorrow. You never know what’ll happen between now and then, Luke 9:62, No procrastination, no backward looks. You can’t put the kingdom off until tomorrow, seize the day. You won’t find God saying, you know that’s a good idea…do it tomorrow. God says NOW is God’s time, stop aiming and pull trigger. Don’t presume on future, I don’t know the next hour much less the next day. Make that call, write that letter, and make that decision. None of us are guaranteed another day. Ever been around that person that says “I’m gonna do it one of these days.”? There is a good saying, thus say it the lord means none of these days. One of these days is none of these days. Stop praying about it, if it’s rite, do it. I think people and all this praying is messing folks up. You’ve prayed enough about it. It took 17 words to rain fire from brimstone. Stop waiting on something to sneak up on you. James Albry wanted to be a writer. When he died he had this on his tombstone, “He slept beneath the moon, he baked beneath the sun, he lived a life with going to do and died with nothing done.” Greatest tragedy in life is to waste your life. Everybody has dreams but dreams are a dime a dozen. It’s the person who takes action. Again, faith without action is worthless. What will it take to get you moving? Pain? Get moving! If you wait ‘till you feel like it you’ll never do anything. Motivation follows action. What will it take? Successful people are self-starters.
So, are you blaming anyone? What excuses are you giving for not growing and accepting responsibility? Have you decided to make your life count? Have you let the enemies whisper creep in saying, “I’ll never change; I like me just the way I am”? Let God transform your mind, clarify what u want. When time is rite? No! Don’t wait. What do you need to start doing it today?