"The Chief Progress To The Human Race Is The Human Race."
-Don Marquis (1878-1937)
"You can never rise above the image that you have of yourself in your own mind."
- C. Elijah Bronner
How many times do we assume something won't or doesn't work, someone won't or can't love, that we never have been and aren't appreciated, when in truth it does, they can, and we are?
The next time you feel like being bitter, resentful and angry --- even if the circumstances justify these emotions --- consider the inspiring words of a man who, after 27 years of imprisonment by his government, had every right to be bitter, resentful and angry:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?'
Actually, who are you NOT to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
These are words of Nelson Mandela, who gave this inaugural speech in 1994, after being elected President of South Africa.
He became the leader of the government that had for so long sought to take away his voice.
This man had every right to be bitter, resentful and angry at the world.
How dare he inspire us to greatness? Shouldn't he have instead approved our sloth?
After all, is anyone really appreciated for what he does, regardless of the extent of the sacrifice?
Nelson Mandela confirms that you are expected to be great.
Nothing less.
You can even be more than great if you decide to ignore the non-existent limitations that everyone else can see.
What kind of glasses are they wearing?
I know I'm gorgeous, brilliant and talented.Simply put, I am fabulous.
What about you?
By C. Elijah Bronner
Why is it? Why do so many people lose their beliefs and passion through the daily routines and grudges of life? Is it really that they don’t believe they can do it or are they afraid to see if they can, or even afraid of what may happen if their dreams actually come true?
Believe it or not, people actually have a fear of success. It is more common than arachnophobia. It just isn’t talked about as much. It is more poisonous than any spider you will come into contact with though. It will slowly drip into your veins until every drop of life is taken leaving you with nothing but “I didn’t live up to my potential” on your death bed.
We all know we only have one life to live. Now you may believe in reincarnation but we do not know it to be true. We DO know that there is only one life. We also have heard to make it the best you can I don’t know how many times. So what are you waiting for? Why are you not going out and trying to be what you want and live the way you want and see the things you want? I aint talkin’ ‘bout working hard in a cubby or in construction unless that is your dream job. I don’t know about you but I have never heard I child say “I want to be a bricklayer when I grow up.”
Do you think you are not good enough? Not deserving and less worthy than say Bill Gates? Ok, not everyone can come up with the next best things that will change the world forever…but how much money do you need to see the world and do the things you deserve? Me…it will only cost me roughly $100k/ year to afford the lifestyle I desire. That is really achievable. So don’t sell yourself short. Go out and make the small baby step differences that will grow over time and change your life forever. Don’t be afraid to succeed. You are worthy and deserving. God made you to be a success.
“Do things today that most won’t, so that tomorrow you have a life that most don’t.” Don’t wait till you are lying on your death bed feeling guilty and worthless and think your life was wasted. I promise you that it will hurt your family to think you feel like you were a waste just as much as it hurts you. If not for you, do it for something or someone bigger than you.
A good friend of mine said this and it has rung constantly in my ears for 3 years now.
“It is a blessing to be a blessing.”
Go be a blessing.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
Lost In Translation
"We Have Too Many High Sounding Words, And Too Few Actions That Correspond With Them."
- Abilgail Adams (1744-1818)
To sum up MY opinions: Translate my Translation ~A MountainWings Original~
1. The "authorized" KJV was never really authorized. Read on to learn how the King's mistress helped the Bible.
2. The NIV is a more accurate translation from the original.
3. I can read and understand the modern translations better.
4. I've never known anyone to falter due to the translation.
5. The problem with Bibles is not the translation; it's that people are neither reading nor following them.
Read on for the rationale and explanations:
The battle over translations is not new and is very mild now compared to what it has been historically. When the Bible was only in Latin, you were burned at the stake if you were caught with ANY translation other than the Latin which only the priests could read. William Tyndale who translated the first English Bible was killed for translating it. The church called it heresy. Eighty percent of the KJV came from the Tyndale Bible.I would like to present some history and MY opinion on translations.
This is just MY opinion and some history. It is neither to dissuade nor encourage you to read the KJV but to simply explain my rationale why I choose to often use other versions.
First, ALL of the English versions of the Bible are translations.NONE are the original word. With any translation, there is some loss of meaning and nuance. To my knowledge there is no way to avoid this unless the original writer is fluent in several languages and writes his own material in each language. That is the only way to truly accurately capture exactly what the speaker meant and even then some languages are more adept at expressing certain points than others.
The Bible says, "God is Love" but there are several Greek words for Love. Translating from the Greek "agape" to the English "love" loses something in specificity of meaning.
I am sure there are some modern English words for which there are no exact Greek, Aramaic or Hebrew equivalents.
The translation loss rule even applies in science. To change energy from one form to another is never 100% efficient.Something is always lost in the translation. To change coal into electricity is not efficient. To change electricity into light loses a great deal of the energy as heat. To change fossil fuels into energy that moves your car loses a major portion of the energy just due to translation or changing from one form to another.
Not only do you lose with the translation of fuel to motion, you even lose with the translation of motion to motion. The turning of your car engine never transfers 100% of the energy to your wheels. There are frictional losses in the transmission.
Even in engineering and science, translation from one form to another is rarely 100% efficient.
So it is with language, especially complicated spiritual things.
The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and Aramaic. The New Testament was in Koine Greek. Jesus and the disciples are believed to have spoken mainly Aramaic with Koine Greek as a second language.
There is a fascinating history and timeline of the Bible that you should read. It explains how the battle over translations is nothing new. It explains how the first "authorized" Bible by the King was because of the King's mistress. It's fascinating reading. http://www.mountainwings.com/past/bibh.htm
The actual Authorized King James Version was never officially sanctioned by the English monarchy or the clerical hierarchy of the Church of England. It was never officially "authorized."Have you ever wondered why the Catholic Church doesn't use the KJV? Read the story:
The actual original "Authorized" KJV has 14 more books (commonly called the Apocrypha) than the KJV we use today.
I will admit that the King James Version is without a doubt far more poetic than any other version. It flows with a grace and style that is unmatched. The problem with the KJV is that the meaning is often unclear.
My preference is the New International Version (NIV). The NIV was translated from the original languages. When I am preparing sermons, I often check the KJV and the NIV against the original Greek and Hebrew to see which is more accurate to the original.
From my experience, it's the NIV. As a matter of fact, I have only found one instance in actual use where the King James Version was more accurate. That's Matthew 6:22-23.
"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." KJV
"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light." NIV
The original text does actually say "eye" instead of "eyes" but that isn't going to send anyone careening off to a life of sin.
This is the only instance that "I've" found using the Bible where the KJV is more accurate to the original text than the NIV. As a matter of fact, that single eye isn't too easy to understand anyway and opens up a level of discussion that's rather complicated.
There are two or three valid instances where the KJV is more accurate to the original meaning but there are many more instances where the NIV is more accurate especially considering modern language understanding.
Check it yourself but be sure to check against a Greek/Hebrew dictionary and what the original Greek/Hebrew text actually said.Often we base it on what WE THINK it said, meant, or should say.It only counts what was actually said from the original texts.Check the text first.
Have you ever listened to Hip Hop rap or Acid Rock music?
If you have and you are not of that generation, you have a hard time understanding the words. To those who listen to rap and acid rock regularly, the words are as clear as a bell. Language of the times is best understood by those of those times.
Often I must read other translations to figure out exactly what the Bible is saying because the KJV leaves some doubt as to the actual meaning simply because of the language.
The other big factor is this.
I have yet to find a single solitary soul who has erred in life due to the translation. Nary a one. I'm not saying that there aren't any whose lives have descended to a life of wanton recklessness because a word was mistranslated in a modern Bible.There could very well be, it's just that I've never met or heard of them.
Everyone whom I know who is backslidden or frontslidden for that matter (what do you call people who've never been straight to start with?) isn't even reading the Bible (any translation).
I often use other translations simply because people can understand them better (including me), and words without understanding are simply not as good as words with understanding.
The modern translations are much easier to read. I don't have to spend mental energy trying to figure out what the language means.
Paul said it when talking about speaking in tongues but not being able to clearly understand:
(1 Cor 14:6-9 KJV) Now, brethren, if I come unto you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you, except I shall speak to you either by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophesying, or by doctrine? And even things without life giving sound, whether pipe or harp, except they give a distinction in the sounds, how shall it be known what is piped or harped? For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?So likewise ye, except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? for ye shall speak into the air.
At any rate, go and read the history of the Bible. If you read the Bible, you should know its proper history. All of it.
Bible History
If you do an internet search on "KJV vs NIV controversy" you will find plenty of websites devoted to the argument, most in favor of the KJV.
Again in MY opinion, below is one of the most balanced websites that deals with the controversy from a point of historical truth.It explains WHY there are differences between the two versions.
~A MountainWings Original~
Last week I got into a discussion after watching a CNN special on Jesus in preparation for Easter. We discussed in very little detail the Apocrypha and the historical book Josephus. I received this email this morning and though wow, once again mountain wing's sends me an email about something I need at the right time. Now I know where I can find more information on this topic and have a credibile source and not some idiot who wrote a bunch of crap during his spare time while smoking joints on his state college.
Flavius Josephus's book is a historical reference of the times around AD 70. It is not a religious book but historically discusses in detailed accounts of Jesus amongst many other things of that time including the downfall of Jerusalem. So for you non-believers out there, I suggest reading this book if you need proof there was ever a person who lived in those times named Jesus who was performing miracles. Now this does not prove Jesus was the Son of Man and the Son of God, but it does account for his living.
- Abilgail Adams (1744-1818)
To sum up MY opinions: Translate my Translation ~A MountainWings Original~
1. The "authorized" KJV was never really authorized. Read on to learn how the King's mistress helped the Bible.
2. The NIV is a more accurate translation from the original.
3. I can read and understand the modern translations better.
4. I've never known anyone to falter due to the translation.
5. The problem with Bibles is not the translation; it's that people are neither reading nor following them.
Read on for the rationale and explanations:
The battle over translations is not new and is very mild now compared to what it has been historically. When the Bible was only in Latin, you were burned at the stake if you were caught with ANY translation other than the Latin which only the priests could read. William Tyndale who translated the first English Bible was killed for translating it. The church called it heresy. Eighty percent of the KJV came from the Tyndale Bible.I would like to present some history and MY opinion on translations.
This is just MY opinion and some history. It is neither to dissuade nor encourage you to read the KJV but to simply explain my rationale why I choose to often use other versions.
First, ALL of the English versions of the Bible are translations.NONE are the original word. With any translation, there is some loss of meaning and nuance. To my knowledge there is no way to avoid this unless the original writer is fluent in several languages and writes his own material in each language. That is the only way to truly accurately capture exactly what the speaker meant and even then some languages are more adept at expressing certain points than others.
The Bible says, "God is Love" but there are several Greek words for Love. Translating from the Greek "agape" to the English "love" loses something in specificity of meaning.
I am sure there are some modern English words for which there are no exact Greek, Aramaic or Hebrew equivalents.
The translation loss rule even applies in science. To change energy from one form to another is never 100% efficient.Something is always lost in the translation. To change coal into electricity is not efficient. To change electricity into light loses a great deal of the energy as heat. To change fossil fuels into energy that moves your car loses a major portion of the energy just due to translation or changing from one form to another.
Not only do you lose with the translation of fuel to motion, you even lose with the translation of motion to motion. The turning of your car engine never transfers 100% of the energy to your wheels. There are frictional losses in the transmission.
Even in engineering and science, translation from one form to another is rarely 100% efficient.
So it is with language, especially complicated spiritual things.
The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and Aramaic. The New Testament was in Koine Greek. Jesus and the disciples are believed to have spoken mainly Aramaic with Koine Greek as a second language.
There is a fascinating history and timeline of the Bible that you should read. It explains how the battle over translations is nothing new. It explains how the first "authorized" Bible by the King was because of the King's mistress. It's fascinating reading. http://www.mountainwings.com/past/bibh.htm
The actual Authorized King James Version was never officially sanctioned by the English monarchy or the clerical hierarchy of the Church of England. It was never officially "authorized."Have you ever wondered why the Catholic Church doesn't use the KJV? Read the story:
The actual original "Authorized" KJV has 14 more books (commonly called the Apocrypha) than the KJV we use today.
I will admit that the King James Version is without a doubt far more poetic than any other version. It flows with a grace and style that is unmatched. The problem with the KJV is that the meaning is often unclear.
My preference is the New International Version (NIV). The NIV was translated from the original languages. When I am preparing sermons, I often check the KJV and the NIV against the original Greek and Hebrew to see which is more accurate to the original.
From my experience, it's the NIV. As a matter of fact, I have only found one instance in actual use where the King James Version was more accurate. That's Matthew 6:22-23.
"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." KJV
"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light." NIV
The original text does actually say "eye" instead of "eyes" but that isn't going to send anyone careening off to a life of sin.
This is the only instance that "I've" found using the Bible where the KJV is more accurate to the original text than the NIV. As a matter of fact, that single eye isn't too easy to understand anyway and opens up a level of discussion that's rather complicated.
There are two or three valid instances where the KJV is more accurate to the original meaning but there are many more instances where the NIV is more accurate especially considering modern language understanding.
Check it yourself but be sure to check against a Greek/Hebrew dictionary and what the original Greek/Hebrew text actually said.Often we base it on what WE THINK it said, meant, or should say.It only counts what was actually said from the original texts.Check the text first.
Have you ever listened to Hip Hop rap or Acid Rock music?
If you have and you are not of that generation, you have a hard time understanding the words. To those who listen to rap and acid rock regularly, the words are as clear as a bell. Language of the times is best understood by those of those times.
Often I must read other translations to figure out exactly what the Bible is saying because the KJV leaves some doubt as to the actual meaning simply because of the language.
The other big factor is this.
I have yet to find a single solitary soul who has erred in life due to the translation. Nary a one. I'm not saying that there aren't any whose lives have descended to a life of wanton recklessness because a word was mistranslated in a modern Bible.There could very well be, it's just that I've never met or heard of them.
Everyone whom I know who is backslidden or frontslidden for that matter (what do you call people who've never been straight to start with?) isn't even reading the Bible (any translation).
I often use other translations simply because people can understand them better (including me), and words without understanding are simply not as good as words with understanding.
The modern translations are much easier to read. I don't have to spend mental energy trying to figure out what the language means.
Paul said it when talking about speaking in tongues but not being able to clearly understand:
(1 Cor 14:6-9 KJV) Now, brethren, if I come unto you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you, except I shall speak to you either by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophesying, or by doctrine? And even things without life giving sound, whether pipe or harp, except they give a distinction in the sounds, how shall it be known what is piped or harped? For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?So likewise ye, except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? for ye shall speak into the air.
At any rate, go and read the history of the Bible. If you read the Bible, you should know its proper history. All of it.
Bible History
If you do an internet search on "KJV vs NIV controversy" you will find plenty of websites devoted to the argument, most in favor of the KJV.
Again in MY opinion, below is one of the most balanced websites that deals with the controversy from a point of historical truth.It explains WHY there are differences between the two versions.
~A MountainWings Original~
Last week I got into a discussion after watching a CNN special on Jesus in preparation for Easter. We discussed in very little detail the Apocrypha and the historical book Josephus. I received this email this morning and though wow, once again mountain wing's sends me an email about something I need at the right time. Now I know where I can find more information on this topic and have a credibile source and not some idiot who wrote a bunch of crap during his spare time while smoking joints on his state college.
Flavius Josephus's book is a historical reference of the times around AD 70. It is not a religious book but historically discusses in detailed accounts of Jesus amongst many other things of that time including the downfall of Jerusalem. So for you non-believers out there, I suggest reading this book if you need proof there was ever a person who lived in those times named Jesus who was performing miracles. Now this does not prove Jesus was the Son of Man and the Son of God, but it does account for his living.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Integrity In The Common Worker
"Life Grants Nothing To Us Mortals Without Hard Work."
-Horace(65 BC-8BC)
This past week I have thought hard about what my father taught me as a child. It is something I have always believed in but rarely put forth the full effort towards in the "working moment". He always said "Ian, take pride in your work. Enough pride that you would put your name on it. No matter if it is taking out the trash or whatever. It is a true reflection of you."
Have you ever noticed that Donald Trump puts his name on everything? That is because he is known for quality and what he stands for and with his name stamps his approval. Trump Towers is a billion dollar building...there are other Towers with his name on it throughout the world. Trump stands for something. Let your name stand for something.
Here is a story I find amusing.
Paid By The Hour
When my husband and I arrived at an automobile dealership to pick up our car, we were told the keys had been locked in it.We went to the service department and found a mechanic working feverishly to unlock the driver’s side door. As I watched from the passenger side, I instinctively tried the door handle and discovered that it was unlocked."Hey," I announced to the technician, "its open!"To which he replied, "I know - I already got that side."
How many people do you know that work like that? Trying to get one over on you or not doing what is right or their best? When you work diligently and with integrity, you find value in yourself. You find pride in what you do. You find more effort and others recognize and chose to follow in your steps. Now some devils in people make some negative or look down at you like you are just kissing ass, but that is the devil trying to pull you down. Ignore it...but if you succumb to your laziness you are beginning a terrible cycle of depression and worthlessness that is not easily fixed. I have fallen victim to that since I have been in Warner Robins. I feel like I have not accomplished anything nearly close to my potential. In part my fault, in part my leaderships fault. By I chose to succumb to it.
Take pride in your work cause it is a true reflection of your principles and who you are no matter the position you chose to work. Military or not, you volunteered and made the choice to do everything in your life...well, if you live in the U.S. of course. If you hate your job or the people you work with then do something about it. It is your life they are affecting. If you don't then you are weak and have accepted less than you are worth. So do the best you can and believe in yourself because you are stronger than you can possibly fathom. You just have to find it in yourself to be that way and surround yourself with people who want you to succeed!!!
-Horace(65 BC-8BC)
This past week I have thought hard about what my father taught me as a child. It is something I have always believed in but rarely put forth the full effort towards in the "working moment". He always said "Ian, take pride in your work. Enough pride that you would put your name on it. No matter if it is taking out the trash or whatever. It is a true reflection of you."
Have you ever noticed that Donald Trump puts his name on everything? That is because he is known for quality and what he stands for and with his name stamps his approval. Trump Towers is a billion dollar building...there are other Towers with his name on it throughout the world. Trump stands for something. Let your name stand for something.
Here is a story I find amusing.
Paid By The Hour
When my husband and I arrived at an automobile dealership to pick up our car, we were told the keys had been locked in it.We went to the service department and found a mechanic working feverishly to unlock the driver’s side door. As I watched from the passenger side, I instinctively tried the door handle and discovered that it was unlocked."Hey," I announced to the technician, "its open!"To which he replied, "I know - I already got that side."
How many people do you know that work like that? Trying to get one over on you or not doing what is right or their best? When you work diligently and with integrity, you find value in yourself. You find pride in what you do. You find more effort and others recognize and chose to follow in your steps. Now some devils in people make some negative or look down at you like you are just kissing ass, but that is the devil trying to pull you down. Ignore it...but if you succumb to your laziness you are beginning a terrible cycle of depression and worthlessness that is not easily fixed. I have fallen victim to that since I have been in Warner Robins. I feel like I have not accomplished anything nearly close to my potential. In part my fault, in part my leaderships fault. By I chose to succumb to it.
Take pride in your work cause it is a true reflection of your principles and who you are no matter the position you chose to work. Military or not, you volunteered and made the choice to do everything in your life...well, if you live in the U.S. of course. If you hate your job or the people you work with then do something about it. It is your life they are affecting. If you don't then you are weak and have accepted less than you are worth. So do the best you can and believe in yourself because you are stronger than you can possibly fathom. You just have to find it in yourself to be that way and surround yourself with people who want you to succeed!!!
Do more than exist...live.
Do more than touch...feel.
Do more than look...observe.
Do more than read...absorb.
Do more than hear...listen.
Do more than think...ponder.
Do more than talk...say something.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Almost Deleted
"It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend."
-William Blake (1757-1827)
A Story From Mountain Wings
Not too long ago my husband and one of his best friends had a tiff. After telling me what had happened, my husband told me to delete his friend's name from the cell phone speed dial. I hesitated and told him he was just angry and not to act too quickly. He insisted he would attempt to do it himself if I didn't, so I did. I told him, "It's easy to delete his name from the phone, but be careful about deleting him from your life. Friends are blessings from God and even though sometimes they disappoint us, we should realize they are just human." From nowhere (I know now it was the Holy Spirit) I said, "What if God deleted our names from the Book of Life every time we let Him down? I wouldn't have a chance because I know I fail to live up to His expectations everyday." Nothing else was said but I thought about it for a very long time. We so often let anger cause us to banish people from our lives for the most trivial reasons, only to regret it, sometimes after it's too late. Thankfully my husband and his friend worked things out and their friendship survived. What I learned most from the experience was how grateful I am that I serve a loving God who doesn't delete me just because I let Him down.
I seem to have a problem with forgiving friends. I need to work on it because I know I have let my friends down before. I have never flat out deceived someone behind their back though with the exception of girlfriends. It happens to me a lot though. I do not know why they do it to me. It just happens. I am a sensitive man and maybe people read that and think "I should not tell him the truth because I do not want to hurt his feelings." Well, let me make that decision. Let me have the opportunity to decide and discuss what is going on. But if you deceive me and I find out then that hurts more than anything. If you have a reason to hide something, which generally means your conscious is telling you that you are doing something you should not be doing. So back to the subject...if my friends have hurt me generally I will write it off as a loss and move them out of my life and press on. That only makes it worse though. Because now I am left without the friend I enjoyed having. So I need to find a way to get over myself and realize people make mistakes, sometimes unforgettable, but never unforgivable. I should not try and erase them from my book of life. To the friends out there (who never read this by the way) I am sorry I have pushed you out. I am sorry I have taken myself out of your life when you may have needed me. I am sorry you felt the need to decieve me. I am sorry that we may have missed some great times in this crappy city. But know you mean a lot to me and I am grateful for the things I have shared with you all.
I receive mountain wings inspiration emails daily and sometimes, well most times they hit the nail on the head the day I need to read it. So the last few day I have received emails about this friendship subject...hear is the last one I received that sums it all up.
Now a days it just don’t seem cool but tell me what am I supposed to do?
And then a wise man once gave me a clue, he said sometimes the only way out,
...is the way through.
~from the movie, “Love Don’t Cost A Thing”~
-William Blake (1757-1827)
A Story From Mountain Wings
Not too long ago my husband and one of his best friends had a tiff. After telling me what had happened, my husband told me to delete his friend's name from the cell phone speed dial. I hesitated and told him he was just angry and not to act too quickly. He insisted he would attempt to do it himself if I didn't, so I did. I told him, "It's easy to delete his name from the phone, but be careful about deleting him from your life. Friends are blessings from God and even though sometimes they disappoint us, we should realize they are just human." From nowhere (I know now it was the Holy Spirit) I said, "What if God deleted our names from the Book of Life every time we let Him down? I wouldn't have a chance because I know I fail to live up to His expectations everyday." Nothing else was said but I thought about it for a very long time. We so often let anger cause us to banish people from our lives for the most trivial reasons, only to regret it, sometimes after it's too late. Thankfully my husband and his friend worked things out and their friendship survived. What I learned most from the experience was how grateful I am that I serve a loving God who doesn't delete me just because I let Him down.
I seem to have a problem with forgiving friends. I need to work on it because I know I have let my friends down before. I have never flat out deceived someone behind their back though with the exception of girlfriends. It happens to me a lot though. I do not know why they do it to me. It just happens. I am a sensitive man and maybe people read that and think "I should not tell him the truth because I do not want to hurt his feelings." Well, let me make that decision. Let me have the opportunity to decide and discuss what is going on. But if you deceive me and I find out then that hurts more than anything. If you have a reason to hide something, which generally means your conscious is telling you that you are doing something you should not be doing. So back to the subject...if my friends have hurt me generally I will write it off as a loss and move them out of my life and press on. That only makes it worse though. Because now I am left without the friend I enjoyed having. So I need to find a way to get over myself and realize people make mistakes, sometimes unforgettable, but never unforgivable. I should not try and erase them from my book of life. To the friends out there (who never read this by the way) I am sorry I have pushed you out. I am sorry I have taken myself out of your life when you may have needed me. I am sorry you felt the need to decieve me. I am sorry that we may have missed some great times in this crappy city. But know you mean a lot to me and I am grateful for the things I have shared with you all.
I receive mountain wings inspiration emails daily and sometimes, well most times they hit the nail on the head the day I need to read it. So the last few day I have received emails about this friendship subject...hear is the last one I received that sums it all up.
Now a days it just don’t seem cool but tell me what am I supposed to do?
And then a wise man once gave me a clue, he said sometimes the only way out,
...is the way through.
~from the movie, “Love Don’t Cost A Thing”~
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
My Route to Live
"Always Bear In Mind That Your Own Resolution To Succeed Is More Important Than Any One Thing."
Abraham Lincon (1809-1865)
My Favorite Proverb...trusty number four.
Hear, O children, a father's instruction, be attentive, that you may gain understanding!
Yes, excellent advice I give you; my teaching do not forsake.
When I was my father's child, frail, yet the darling of my mother,
He taught me, and said to me: "Let your heart hold fast my words: keep my commands, that you may live!
"Get wisdom, get understanding! Do not forget or turn aside from the words I utter.
Forsake her not, and she will preserve you; love her, and she will safeguard you;
The beginning of wisdom is: get wisdom; at the cost of all you have, get understanding.
Extol her, and she will exalt you; she will bring you honors if you embrace her;
She will put on your head a graceful diadem; a glorious crown will she bestow on you."
Hear, my son, and receive my words, and the years of your life shall be many.
On the way of wisdom I direct you, I lead you on straightforward paths.
When you walk, your step will not be impeded, and should you run, you will not stumble.
Hold fast to instruction, never let her go; keep her, for she is your life.
The path of the wicked enter not, walk not on the way of evil men;
Shun it, cross it not, turn aside from it, and pass on.
For they cannot rest unless they have done evil; to have made no one stumble steals away their sleep.
For they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence.
The way of the wicked is like darkness; they know not on what they stumble.
But the path of the just is like shining light, that grows in brilliance till perfect day.
My son, to my words be attentive, to my sayings incline your ear;
Let them not slip out of your sight, keep them within your heart;
For they are life to those who find them, to man's whole being they are health.
With closest custody, guard your heart, for in it are the sources of life.
Put away from your dishonest talk, deceitful speech put far from you.
Let your eyes look straight ahead and your glance be directly forward.
Survey the path for your feet, and let all your ways be sure.
Turn neither to right nor to left, keep your foot far from evil.
A Little Story From Mountain Wings...
I once asked my Aunt, Dora Jane, who raised me as if she were my mother where we stood on the spectrum between rich and poor.
I said, "I know we live well and have money, but we don't have millions of dollars. What does that make us?"
She responded by saying, "I beg your pardon! We are rich, we have always been rich and we will always be rich!"
I responded, "But Auntie, we don't have money like the Getty's?"
She interrupted me and said as she pointed to her heart, and then to her head, "Rich is in here and up here.
You will always be rich in heart and mind.If you have a lot of money that makes you wealthy.If you have no money, that makes you broke.
You see, richness is a state of mind; not how much money you have.It does not matter how much you have that counts in life.It's what you do with what you have that counts. And so long as you remember that you will always be rich."
~Jake Ehrlich III~
...my little footnote, so you can be wealthy and do nothing and be selfish, or you can be wealthy and do incredible things for a lot of people around the world. Also, you can be poor and bitter and broke and do nothing. To state the facts, more hate related crimes happen to those in poverty. Just a thought...You decide.
Abraham Lincon (1809-1865)
My Favorite Proverb...trusty number four.
Hear, O children, a father's instruction, be attentive, that you may gain understanding!
Yes, excellent advice I give you; my teaching do not forsake.
When I was my father's child, frail, yet the darling of my mother,
He taught me, and said to me: "Let your heart hold fast my words: keep my commands, that you may live!
"Get wisdom, get understanding! Do not forget or turn aside from the words I utter.
Forsake her not, and she will preserve you; love her, and she will safeguard you;
The beginning of wisdom is: get wisdom; at the cost of all you have, get understanding.
Extol her, and she will exalt you; she will bring you honors if you embrace her;
She will put on your head a graceful diadem; a glorious crown will she bestow on you."
Hear, my son, and receive my words, and the years of your life shall be many.
On the way of wisdom I direct you, I lead you on straightforward paths.
When you walk, your step will not be impeded, and should you run, you will not stumble.
Hold fast to instruction, never let her go; keep her, for she is your life.
The path of the wicked enter not, walk not on the way of evil men;
Shun it, cross it not, turn aside from it, and pass on.
For they cannot rest unless they have done evil; to have made no one stumble steals away their sleep.
For they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence.
The way of the wicked is like darkness; they know not on what they stumble.
But the path of the just is like shining light, that grows in brilliance till perfect day.
My son, to my words be attentive, to my sayings incline your ear;
Let them not slip out of your sight, keep them within your heart;
For they are life to those who find them, to man's whole being they are health.
With closest custody, guard your heart, for in it are the sources of life.
Put away from your dishonest talk, deceitful speech put far from you.
Let your eyes look straight ahead and your glance be directly forward.
Survey the path for your feet, and let all your ways be sure.
Turn neither to right nor to left, keep your foot far from evil.
A Little Story From Mountain Wings...
I once asked my Aunt, Dora Jane, who raised me as if she were my mother where we stood on the spectrum between rich and poor.
I said, "I know we live well and have money, but we don't have millions of dollars. What does that make us?"
She responded by saying, "I beg your pardon! We are rich, we have always been rich and we will always be rich!"
I responded, "But Auntie, we don't have money like the Getty's?"
She interrupted me and said as she pointed to her heart, and then to her head, "Rich is in here and up here.
You will always be rich in heart and mind.If you have a lot of money that makes you wealthy.If you have no money, that makes you broke.
You see, richness is a state of mind; not how much money you have.It does not matter how much you have that counts in life.It's what you do with what you have that counts. And so long as you remember that you will always be rich."
~Jake Ehrlich III~
...my little footnote, so you can be wealthy and do nothing and be selfish, or you can be wealthy and do incredible things for a lot of people around the world. Also, you can be poor and bitter and broke and do nothing. To state the facts, more hate related crimes happen to those in poverty. Just a thought...You decide.
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